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Give it time, comrades.  Remember how a couple of years ago,  many were 
talking about the euro replacing the dollar; and how the real reason from 
the US invasion of Iraq was that Iraq was threatening to switch to euros for 
oil payments?  Remember how many were a-twitter over the trade agreements 
between Mercosul and the EU, with the EU representating a kindler gentler 
trading partner in comparison to the US?

Now the EU, as a union, has agreed to accept IMF approval before it provides 
funds from its euro 750 billion emergency program to any member of the union 
requesting such funds.

Remember just a couple of years ago when Brazil's banks stopped providing 
letters of credit and financing Brazil's exports and imports, preserving 
dollars, so much so that the central bank had to undertake direct lending to 
exporters, and the US Fed opened up a unrestricted currency swap line with 
Brazil's central bank to keep trade from cratering?

Remember how China was going to rattle its Treasury holdings like a saber 
over the heads of the US and demand this and that.... blah blah blah?

Maybe not.  Maybe everybody forgets these things.    Like they've forgotton 
about peak oil, and the looming shortages with oil at $300/barrel that were 
just around the corner as we're on the dowhill side of hydrocarbon supplies, 
sure we are.  I guess amnesia is a critical component to capitalist 

What is being uncovered in the current machinations is not the decline of 
the US vis-a-vis Brazil, or Europe, or China, but the previous myth of US 
hegemony; US unilateral ability to dictate all things to all countries at 
all times.

And still, Lula funds and staffs the US/UN oppression of Haiti, along with 
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia.

I think Lula is acting upon the wishes of the Brazilian bourgeoisie who 
don't want to lose their markets when the US decides to light up the Persian 
Gulf again.

You think we should applaud him, and his class, for that?  For playing 
tweedle-dee to Obama's tweedle-dum?

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