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*Both the CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA have denied their involvement in the Friday
train derailment
28 May 2010) Gnaneshwari Express and a goods train tragedy near Kharagpur in
West Bengal  in which 80 people were killed and 200 injured was attributed
to CPI(Maoist) and Peoples Committee Against Police Atrocities (PCAPA) by
the media. The media unscrupulously played false news stories blaming CPI
(Maoist) and Peoples Committee for two days. Some political parties like
Trinomial Congress and the ruling CPI(Marxist)  also blamed these
organisations without any verification.  Significantly Union Home Minister
P. Chidambaram has declined to attribute the blame on the CPI (Maoist) and
also announced that there was no evidence of any bomb blast in the incident.

The Union Home Minister has ordered an enquiry to find out any possibility
of sabotage. During the day the leaders of CPI (Maoist) clarified through a
long statement that they were not responsible for the train tragedy and
condemned any possible sabotage work if any force involved behind the
incident. They have also expressed their condolences for the families of
deceased. The PCAPA also clarified that their activists are not involved in
this incident. They suspected the ruling CPI(Marxist) to have been involved
in the sabotage desperately trying to tilt the public opinion against the
fighting forces.

Purposefully the media did not cover the statement issued by the CPI
(Maoist) while playing the false stories and commentaries blaming the CPI
(Maoist) for the incident. Some all India newspapers like The Hindu wrote
editorials blaming the CPI (Maoist) for the incident. Many other newspapers
wrote major articles decrying the CPI (Maoist) as terrorist attributing the
blame on them. Now when the clarifications come from CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA,
will these media houses withdraw their false stories and give the facts to
the people? Will they regret for propagating the false news?

These two days of false propaganda is made with a malicious intension of
maligning the CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA.

I attach here news reports covering the statement of clarification from the
CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA by a section of newspapers in West Bengal. The same
newspaper didn't cover it in their editions coming from all other cities.

G N Saibaba

Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
*Statement on Train(Jnaneswari Express) accident by the Maoists*

The following report was published in the Bengali *Ananda Bazar Patrike* dt.
29 May 2010, page 7, Kolkata edition. It bore the caption 'Denying
allegations about their involvement, the Maoists demand enquiry' and written
by Prasun Acharyya.  The statement was issued in the name of Aakash, the
Maoist WB State Committee leader.

On Friday night, the following statement was issued on behalf of the
CPI(Maoist) WB State Committee.  "We are in no way involved in this
incident. We did not carry out any explosion in the railway line. Killing
innocent people by sabotaging railway line is not our agenda. When we carry
out any action, there are always some specific  reasons behind. We also
acknowledge responsibility for that. Whenever we commit mistakes we admit
it.  However, responsibility is being placed on us now for an incident in
which we are in no way involved".  Accusing the CPI(Marxist) of putting
blame on them the Maoists said "The CPI(M) is haunted by the prospect of a
landslide defeat in the coming municipal elections. Thus they have opted for
a strategy of killing two birds with a single stone. On the one hand,
attempts are being made to brand us as terrorists and thus isolate us from
the people. On the other hand, they are seeking to prove that Mamata
Banerjee is completely misfit as the railway minister".  The Maoists did not
directly state that the CPI(M) was involved in the incident. But what they
said is: "In the coming days also such unfortunate incidents can take place
in order to malign Mamata and the Maoists". The WB State Committee of the
Maoists strongly condemned this act and stated: "This act deserves
unequivocal condemnation. We are extending our sympathies to the members of
the bereaved families. We also wish the speedy recovery of those who are

Meanwhile, the People's Committee Against Police Atrocities has accused the
CPI(M) of being involved in it. In reply to a query, the Maoists said: "We
are not accountable for whatever one might say. We are not saying that the
CPI(M) was involved in it. Let the railways make enquiry. The members of our
party have made investigation after the incident. It was the removal of fish
plates that led to the accident. There was no line for one metre stretch,
side-clips were open. That led to derailment. Let the railways enquiry why
side clips were open at the junction points of rail lines. No explosion took
place at the site. Had there been any explosion, stones would have broken up
and thrown out. But nothing like it happened".

The Maoists said that whenever any untoward incident takes place along the
railway route, the tendency is always to accuse them for such incidents.
"Three days back, eleven bogies of the New Delhi -Gwahati Rajdhani  Express
were derailed near Naogachhia Station in Bihar. It was not a major accident.
However, initially the blame was put on us. Later on, it was found that it
was the fault of the railways that led to such a mishap".

Even though the Maoists claim not to have directed any attack on the
innocent people, why did they carry put land mine explosion in a passenger
bus at Dantewada?  The statement reads follows: "Special Pollce
Officers(SPOs) and the CRPF were travelling in that bus. We have told people
in Chhattisgarh time and again not to travel in the same bus along with the
police and CRPF personnel. But it was the state government which had forced
the common people to travel along with the police in the same bus. That is
why common people also died along with the police".

The Maoists accepted responsibility for the Dantewada incident; but not for
this mishap. "We are not involved in the Sardiha incident, so we take no
responsibility of it", the Maoist statement  said.

*The Hindustan Times* dt. 29 May 2010 carried only a brief statement from
the Maoists: "Killing innocent civilians is not on our agenda. We have no
links with this tragic incident, and we sympathise with the families of the
deceased and the injured". Akash, Member, CPI(Maoist) State Committee, West

*'Not We, CPI(M) is to blame'*

Both the CPI(Maoist) and PCAPA have denied their involvement in the Friday
train derailment of the Maharashtra-bound Gyaneshwar Express, and condemned
it as an act of criminal conspiracy on part of the ruling CPI(M), as
reported by *the Bengali daily Sangbad Pratidin, 29 May*).

The statement by CPI(Maoist) state committee secretary, Kanchan, says, "This
incident is against the line practised by our Party. We are not involved in
it. CPI(M) and Police have jointly conspired to effect it."

Confirming it, Com Khokan representing the State Committee leader Akash of
CPI(Maoist) said, "We are not at all involved in this incident. We do not
kill innocent people. Fearing losing its rule, this is a ploy by CPI(M) to
kill two birds with one stone. To paint the Maoists as terrorists and to
declare the Railway minister, Mamata Banerjee as incapable. Even before this
when the Rajdhani met with an accident, the State government pointed the
finger on us. Our State Committee fully condemns this act. We share the pain
with the families of the deceased and stand by them in this hour of grief."

The PCAPA has also denied its involvement with the incident, and declared it
as an act of sabotage by the ruling CPI(M). Its leader, Asit Mahato said,
"We are not involved with this incident. CPI(M) is directly involved in it,
and writing posters in our name and planting the same on the site, is trying
to put the blame on us."

Meanwhile the student union, USDF, leader Soumya Mandal also said, "Whether
this incident is a handiwork of the CPI(M) or the Maoists, we completely
condemn it. We offer our condolences to the families of the deceased and
demand a comprehensive inquiry into the incident."
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