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The article below is a critique of the anti-Maoist vitriol occasioned
by the recent train accident in India. As the author writes: "The
question that one must ask is who would benefit the most, at this time
from such a rail accident? Which party, which government, which
organization? Who has already demonstrated the ability in India to
stage false flag incidents to blame 'foreign' and minority
communities? The Naxalites, by the way, own up to what they do."

To this, I would only add: "Why would anyone pin this accident on the
Maoists without adequate/any evidence? Why such haste in condemning
them? Doesn't the presumption of innocence apply to the Maoists?"



First, the Ms. Quasimodo of Bengal and Indian politics, Mamata
Banerjee announces that it was a “bomb blast” with great bombast.
Then, Bhupinder Singh, the Police IG and KPSGill-wannabee (who had
earlier smeared and lied about Chatradhar Mahato’s insurance, property
etc and never bothered to retract anything) says that two posters were
found proving that the Maoist PCAPA had taken “responsibility ”for the
train disaster. The two posters, it turned out, merely stated the
intent of the local PCAPA the reasons for their on-going struggles.
Ms. Bomberjee also claimed that a pilot vehicle had passed by just
before. She did not state how “before” it was. One hour, two hours,
five hours, one day? After the entire place is “infested” with
Maoists. Is it not?

Now the tone is changing gradually. A foot and half of fish-plates
were found removed. A BBC cameraman has displayed the gap in one of
their broadcasts. No evidence of a blast any longer. No evidence of
gelatine, dynamite, ammonium nitrate. The foreign press had already
expressed some caution, in their statements and terminology. But not
the Indian press. They are so free, unfettered and dynamic when it
comes to spreading innuendo!

The Maoists have officially stated that they had nothing to do with
the incident to BBC and other reporters. There are now reports that
the government has toned down its mischievous rhetoric and has stated
that “Maoist involvement cannot be ruled out.” After the damage has
been done, and abuse is proliferating the email bandwidth, some
sobriety is slowly emerging, but only in back-door doses. This was a
prime opportunity to “false flag” the incident into a Maoist carnage
scorecard or tally sheet, which as Indian we love to read over and
over and get spasmodic about. After all, this is “Maoist-infested”
area. The vermin had declared a 48 hour bandh just a few days ago, is
it not? And in the weeks before they had blown up the bus with a
roof-load of uniformed Police Officers (a fact that until now was
suppressed, that all on the roof were policemen, and the news about
the civilians inside the bus was emphasized repeatedly). The civilian
bus incident has done some damage to the Naxalite-Maoist image no
doubt, but the real truth about the incident took a while to emerge
and it is now also appearing that some of the civilians were also
locals who had applied for SPO positions and were still in civvies.
What other opportunity than this rail incident to nail the Maoists

Let’s cut to the chase with some questions:-

1) Does the state really think that the Maoists are intellectually so
handicapped that they would blow up a train and kill civilians to
further their revolutionary cause, especially after the extraordinary
media savvy-ness they have displayed lately? Because if that is their
estimation of the Maoists’ intelligence, the cause of the Indian state
is already doomed.

2) Does the media and the government really believe that the Maoist
squads will engage in terrorism against innocent civilians to get
public support? Is it not true that self-appointed Indian experts of
counter-insurgency strategy have repeatedly declared that the Maoists
are no longer a rag-tag band of roving rebels, but a highly
disciplined and technically somewhat advanced formation?

3) Does the media question why the train was travelling at break neck
speed at night, whereas instructions have been repeatedly issued to go
slow through “insurgent” territory, especially right after a Bandh?

4) Does the media understand that the PCAPA operates openly and with
down to earth simplicity (please read their last two letters to the
APDR—they read like a hundred year old passage from the time of the
Santhal revolts), with published addresses and telephone numbers (even
though they are understandably “underground” since their last
President was assassinated in front of his family and the matter is
practically forgotten by Mr. Perfidy himself –PCC)? Why would they
carry out such an attack, since their only demands are stemming
strictly from a tribal sense of justice? Has everyone forgotten their
original demand that the Police hold their ears and apologize in
Lalgarh for what they did—that was all that they wanted?

5) Does the media understand that fishplates have been removed before
during a rail-roko and openly so, and announced to the media to ensure
that a bandh is maintained? That after such a bandh, the rail
authorities must recheck the lines as is always and routinely done in
all countries of the world?

6) Does the media ever ask the question, that in a typical Indian
rural (or even semi –urban setting) there are hordes of fringe
elements, looters, free-lancers, half politicized riff-raff who
indulge in lumpenism that borders on luddite outrage?

7) Why don’t the media ask the Maoist leaders (with whom they are
having constant conversations) why they are unable to control ALL the
people in their “territories”” of control? That would be a test of
their mass organizational skills, wouldn’t that?

8) Does the media ever ask, whether there could actually be a foreign
hand? I mean, like there was a foreign hand in blowing up the Air
India Kashmir Princess during the days of the Bandung Conference in
1955? Do the swashbuckling Indian journalist starlets know that a
Kuomintang deployed engineering technician team serviced the plane in
Hong Kong and when this team was tracked down, the CIA flew them over
to Formosa and they disappeared forever from the scene? Intrigue can
be pretty sophisticated in India these days.

What is it that makes Indian journalists/reporters rush to judgement,
arrive at hasty conclusions and choose terminology that is already
prejudiced about the outcome? The answer is simple--because laziness,
irresponsibility and tabloidism is encouraged in Indian media.

Why do newscasters emphasize words like “massacre, terror, murder,
barbarity, gruesome attack, sabotage, carnage, death cult, inhuman
terror, ” in describing suspected Maoist attacks, whereas massive
evidence of police attacks, rampage through village communities,
“encounter” killings, acts of mass rape, forced displacement by Selwa
Judum and SPOs, burning of peasant and tribal huts and homes of
minorities, cutting of breasts of 80 year old women and fingers of two
year old children not reported as genocidal, maniacal, psychotic? Why
is it not reported that already since Operation Green Hunt over 200
civilians have been killed by government forces and promptly declared
as Maoists? Why do reporters not follow the nearly clichéd approach of
innocent until proven guilty? Why do Indian journalists not display an
iota of investigative acumen when they start blabbing about an
incident? Why don’t they take some time out and go back to educating
themselves on the basic principles of reporting the facts and not
hearsay, repeating police officer and IAS chatter instead of what
aloof bystanders have to say? Why do they parrot those who talk the
most, and are ready with press conferences as soon as an incident is
reported, instead of talking to those who shy away from the camera and
avoid the public gaze?

The answer is very simple. Indian journalism has so far resided in a
nebulous comfort zone of non-democracy and pre-capitalist formation,
despite all the hardware and verbiage that they have mastered so well.
Whereas litigiousness is a product of advanced capitalism, where the
sue-r wants to make sure that the sue-d has the bank balance that can
be extracted, in a pre-capitalist society there is no such concern;
irresponsibility, chicanery, grandstanding, stagecraft and sensation-
mongering passes off as “journalism.” Collating data from others and
rushing out reportage to make the editor’s need to make it to the wire
before others is a prime consideration. News syndicates are constantly
dishing out hearsay as news.

Indian journalism is not an upholder of genuine democracy in the
thought processes. Because the democratic process, itself, is not
understood. Root cause analysis of incidents is not initiated. In fact
the removed fish plate is not the end of the investigation. How was it
removed? Who in the village has the wrenches and spanners to remove
the parts? Were any loose parts found nearby? Do the railways have
special tools to unbolt and re-bolt the fishplates? Has a search been
conducted of the missing fish plates? Meanwhile, one hundred civilians
have perished and manipulative propaganda is being carried out for
political reasons?

As we write this article, word is coming out that the “convincing”
evidence of North Korea torpedoing the South Korean Naval vessel, in
which over 40 sailors died, is not that convincing anymore. Reports
have appeared in Japan, in China, in Australia that the explosive
traces found on the sunken vessel indicate evidence of very advanced
magnet-guided rising-type submerged mining technology. That a team of
US divers were exercising with the same type of mines in the same area
in joint exercises with the South Korean Navy, some weeks before. That
this particular relatively secluded seaway has never seen North Korean
incursions. That the North Koreans do not possess such weaponry. That
North Koreans, despite their frequent hot and cold and belligerent
behaviour, could not have carried out the attack.

The question that one must ask is who would benefit the most, at this
time from such a rail accident? Which party, which government, which
organization? Who has already demonstrated the ability in India to
stage false flag incidents to blame “foreign” and minority
communities? The Naxalites, by the way, own up to what they do.

Meanwhile, two persons have repeatedly shown abject inability to
conduct their portfolios with a minimum degree of finesse. Mamata
Banerjee and PC Chidambaram. Why is the media not asking for their
resignation? In any other democratic country, these two would have
been history, by now.

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