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'Niall Ferguson, the British historian most closely associated with a right
wing, Eurocentric vision of western ascendancy, is to work with the
Conservatives <http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/conservatives> to overhaul
history in schools <http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/schools>.
Speaking at the Guardian Hay
the Harvard-based academic, whose historiography is often considered to be
an apology for imperialism, laid out his ideas for a vision of the school
history curriculum in which, he said, children should be taught that the
"big story" of the last 500 years "is the rise of western domination of the

I found the above report from the Guardian very interesting.  Recently here
in Oz we have had a new national curriculum imposed on the school system for
the very first time.  Again it is worth noting that this new curriculum
contains a strong emphasis on history. That is partly due to the recent
"history wars" where there was something of a battle over which view of
Australian history should dominate. The battle lines were between the "black
arm band" view which stressed uncomfortable things such as the genocidal
policy towards Indigenous Australians, and the "white-arm band view" which
laid emphasis on the creation of a great nation.  The history debate here
simmers on and indeed could break out afresh.

There are several issues involved in this "return to History".  Firstly
where are the history teachers to come from?  History as a discipline has
like "English" been vanishing from the universities.  Secondly the technical
thing of how to teach history - themes versus narratives is not without
interest. More important are the questions why a return to history and why
now? I suspect that this is an attempt by the right to address the glaring
absence in contemporary Western capitalist societies of something beyond the
market, something which will knit society together after market competition
has torn it apart: if you like a centripetal force to counter balance the
centrifugal force of neo-liberalism

My personal bias here is to welcome the return of history and of narrative
history as well.  The struggle then becomes over which narrative - from
below or above?  It is worth noting in this context that Ferguson lost his
temper with the hint from a reporter that he was not a neutral above the
combat figure.  To my mind Ferguson is so transparent a right winger that I
am almost tempted to like him.  Certainly his views are hateful and in all
probability he himself is a horrible human but his stated positions are much
less hypocritical than those of the Evangelical Christian "we don't do
Empire" lot that dominate American foreign policy.

I am mind full always of the adage "Be careful what you wish for", but any
break from the unctuous hypocrisy of a Bush or an Obama would be welcome.


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