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Press Release
3 June 2010

Tomorrow: Thousands to Mark 43 Years of Occupation Near Route 443
Palestinians and Israelis will demonstrate tomorrow, Friday, June 4th, 
near the village of Beit Nuba, which was demolished by Israel in 1967, 
near Route 443. Similar demonstrations, also denouncing the massacre 
aboard the Freedom Flotilla will take place across the West Bank.

What: Joint Rally in New Beit Nuba (adjacent to the village of Beit Liqiya)

When: Tomorrow, Friday, June 4th, 12:30 pm

For more details:
Jonathan Pollak (Hebrew, English) - 054-6327736
Yusef Krajeh (Arabic, English) - 059-8464054, 054-5571328
Eilat Maoz (Hebrew, English) - 050-8575729

Dozens of Israeli anti-Occupation organizations will join the 
Palestinian Popular Committees for a demonstration marking 43 years of 
occupation tomorrow. The protesters will denounce the killing aboard the 
Mavi Marmara, and call to end the siege over Gaza, to dismantle the Wall 
and settlements, and for freedom of movement for Palestinians.

MK Haneen Zouabi, who was aboard the Mavi Marmara, Mustafa Barghouti, 
head of the Palestinian alMubadara Party, Maher Ghuneim, Minister for 
the Wall in the Palestinian Authority, former MK Uri Avnery, and 
Palestinian Legislative Committee Members Qais Abd elKarim (Abu Laila) 
and Mahmoud alAloul – will participate in the demonstration.

Additional demonstrations will take place in the villages on Nabi Saleh, 
north of Ramallah,Deir alGhussoun, north of Tul Karem, Ni'ilin – where 
demonstrators will also mark a year to the death of protester Aqel Srour 
by sniper-fire shot at him during a demonstration, and in the villages 
of Bil'in, West of Ramallah and alMa'asara, south of Bethlehem, where 
demonstrators will carry mock ships and will try to break the siege on 
their own villages.

Road to nowhere: During the occupation of the West Bank in June 1967, 
the Israeli army destroyed the villages of Yalu, Beit Nuba and Amuasse 
in the Latrun enclave. "Canada Park" and a number of settlements were 
built on their lands.

Most of the residents of these three displaced villages currently live 
in villages near Highway 443, such as Beit Liqya, Beit Sira and Beit Ur. 
In the eighties, thousands of acres were confiscated by Israel along the 
road, claiming that the road will serve as the main traffic artery for 
these villages to Ramallah.

However, the road has been closed for years for Palestinian vehicles. 
Following the High Court ruling on Route 443, a small section of the 
road was opened last week for Palestinian traffic, but is still nearly 
useless for the villagers, as access to Ramallah from it is disallowed, 
turning it into a highway to nowhere for Palestinians.

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