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Lenin writes of the "semi-colony," in a specific  context, and as the world 
was being reformed by the export of capital in the  form of finance "as 
distinct from" the export of commodities. In my reading of  Lenin "semi-colony" 
refers to the striving for political independence of the  colonial state in 
a CLOSED (direct colony) COLONIAL SYSTEM; as these political  states come 
under domination of petty bourgeois, domestic capitalists and  democratic 
(popular) forces. These social-political forces are striving to  realize some 
form of the democratic republic, in a world leaping from agrarian  to 
industrial relations. 

The semi-colonial states of Lenin era’s - (as a  transitional form of 
politics), either leaped forward to emancipation from  capital and not just 
freedom from the direct colonial relation, or eventually  lapsed into financial 
entrapment and strangulation. Lenin calls the semi-colony  a "transitional 

The form of imperialism changes. We are not faced  with colonial political 
states heroically struggling to escape the direct  colonial system. The 
direct colonial system was one of the environments for an  imperialism 
characterized as the "export (and import) of commodities," military  conquest 
establishment of the imperial outpost amongst the colonized. The  direct colony 
is characteristic of bourgeois imperialism at the front curve of  the 
industrial revolution. 

Lenin writes of the correlations of political  forces in his use of the 
concept "semi-colony," never turning a blind eye to  economic phenomena. The 
direct colony existed as a cornerstone of "capitalist  Europe," directly tied 
to the imperialist state. Lenin writes of the First World  Imperialist War 
as "a war to re-divide an already divided world." What was the  preexisting 
division if not the direct colonial system? What was fought out in  both 
world imperialist wars were the colonies represented as/in Europe and for  re 
division of the world. 

The Allende period of Chile - the Allende  political state, signaled for me 
the end of the period of the transitional form  called the "semi-colony" as 
used by Lenin. The "Third World" phenomenon  expressed the historical fate 
of the colonial movement world wide.  

II.  Capitalism is a historically specific stage of private  property. This 
historically specific stage of private property imparts its  property 
signature onto means of production. In capturing the essence of the  industrial 
revolution and its bourgeois property integument Marx coined the  concept 
"bourgeois mode of production." 

The industrial revolution and  its bourgeois property integument  = 
"bourgeois mode of production"  =  capitalism. 

Bourgeois imperialism is not a mode of production. This  imperialism is a 
mode of reproduction of capital. 



"As to the "semi-colonial" states, they provide an example of the  
transitional forms which are to be found in all spheres of nature and society.  
Finance capital is such a great, such a decisive, you might say, force in all  
economic and in all international relations, that it is capable of 
subjecting,  and actually does subject, to itself even states enjoying the 
political  independence; we shall shortly see examples of this. Of course, 
finance capital  finds most "convenient", and derives the greatest profit from, 
a form of  subjection which involves the loss of the political independence 
of the  subjected countries and peoples. In this respect, the semi-colonial 
countries  provide a typical example of the "middle stage". It is natural 
that the struggle  for these semi-dependent countries should have become 
particularly bitter in the  epoch of finance capital, when the rest of the 
has already been divided  up. 


"Since we are speaking of colonial policy in the  epoch of capitalist 
imperialism, it must be observed that finance capital and  its foreign policy, 
which is the struggle of the great powers for the economic  and political 
division of the world, give rise to a number of transitional forms  of state 
dependence. Not only are the two main groups of countries, those owning  
colonies, and the colonies themselves, but also the diverse forms of dependent  
countries which, politically, are formally independent, but in fact, are  
enmeshed in the net of financial and diplomatic dependence, typical of this  
epoch. We have already referred to one form of dependence—the semi-colony. An  
example of another is provided by Argentina." 


Lenin’s "Imperialism"  

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