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Some related relevant links:
* A new statement by Labor for Palestine:
* A statement by archZionists in the Jewish Labor Committee, President
Stuart Appelbaum and Secretary Randi Weingarten, repeating all the
filthiest lies of the zionist government about the flotilla:
It includes a link to Appelbaum's email encouraging responses. Please
bombard him.
* A PGFTU statement expressing their "shock" at the Histadrut's hiding
behind "union to union solidarity" in their response to the flotilla
murders. Of course they don't say anything about breaking ties with
(includes links to the Histadrut's scummy statement).
By the way, even though labourstart.org is run by that scab Eric Lee,
founder of the prozionist TULIP, the country pages at labourstart.org
for Israel and Palestine are worth following -- right now, for
instance, even the Israel page is full of statements from unions
around the world denouncing the pirate attack!
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 9:29 PM, glparramatta
<glparrama...@greenleft.org.au> wrote:
> *Palestinian trade union movement calls on international dockworkers'
> unions to block loading/offloading Israeli ships until Israel complies
> fully with international law and ends its illegal siege of Gaza*

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