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On 11/06/2010, at 1:09 AM, Ian Angus wrote:

> http://climateandcapitalism.com/?p=2560

I've taken the liberty of putting a comment I made on the climate and 
capitalism site here as well, as I think it'd be of general interest, and as 
noted I'm interested in feedback.


I’ve got a few points on the statistics of all this, which while a bit 
complicated I think will be helpful for the layperson (and those more 
knowledgeable about climate change and/or statistics might like to point out 
any errors).

Firstly: distributions, such as of income, are indeed important to understand, 
rather than just a central tendency, but the latter is often important as well. 
With regard to this tendency, an important point is that a median is not the 
same as the average, or mean. The mean of a set of values comes from adding all 
the values up and dividing by how many values there are; the median is lining 
all the values up and picking the one in the middle. They are in fact the same 
in the familiar bell curve distributions which many measurements fall into, 
particularly natural ones, but not skewed ones, like income, and even more 
wealth, under capitalism, or the cancer survival rates in Gould's essay 

This is important because means as a summery distort a skewed distribution a 
lot more than a median. If Gould had been given the mean survival rate he would 
have freaked out more as it would have been even less than the median 8 months 
he was told, because the bunching towards the bottom pulls the average below 
what the values for most individuals actually is, whereas the median indicates 
that half the people so far measured have lasted less than 8 months, and half 
more, stretching out to the 20 years Gould got and more. Because under 
capitalism there’s a relatively small range between even welfare recipients and 
well-paid workers compared to a few bourgeois squillionaires bunching the 
distribution well towards the top end, an average income figure will be well 
above what most people earn, while the median tends to be around a typical full 
time wage. So it can be a useful summary, though often a more detailed summary, 
like citing a range around the mean or median (as appropriate) or chopping up 
the distribution into bits such as deciles, is often more useful.

Secondly: In preparing for a talk on population, consumerism and the 
environment for the Socialist Alliance in Melbourne in a couple of weeks, l’ve 
been thinking about valid ways of statistically showing actual relationships 
between environmental impact, population, “affluence” and “technology”. That’s 
because the (very partial) value of the I=PAT formula is that these factors are 
in some ways related, even if they don’t in and of themselves tell us the whole 
story, particularly about causation. What I’ve been mucking around with might 
prove useful I think in helping us understand the attraction of such formulae, 
because they relate to real if partial phenomena, and also help us put the case 
for the real explanations and solutions.

What I’ve done is get together, for 12 (so far) countries across the size and 
wealth spectrums, and recorded annual CO2 emissions (a measure of I), 
population, GNP (a measure of A). I’m not really sure what the populationists 
means by T – how much tech? How advanced it is? When the iphone G4 is released 
does T go up a bit? I’ve got something to say about a valid measure of T below, 
but as I can’t think of anything easy to look up now I’ll ignore it. Which is 
lesson number one: when constructing a model the researcher, not God or the 
universe, decides what variables to include.

Anyway I got my I, P and A numbers, and put them into the stats application. I 
got that to graph I vs P – and there’s definitely a moderate to strong linear 
positive relationship (for the stats heads, r=0.66). Countries with higher 
populations tend to produce more C02. If we do that for I vs A, we get a 
stronger positive relationship (r=0.80). Countries with higher GNPs tend to 
produce more C02. So you can see why many concerned punters will think, well 
it’s the population and the affluence causing this shit we’re in.

If we want to see if we can make a more detailed mathematical model of how 
these variables relate together, with I as the dependent variable and the 
others as the independent variable (i.e. I = something to do with P and A) it 
actually makes no mathematical sense when we have the independent linear 
relationships mentioned above just to multiply P and A together. What we (or 
the computer) do is a technique called a regression, which works out a “line of 
best fit” of the form:

I = a +bxP + cxA

Where a,b and c are constants that my trusty Mac Mini works out. These don’t 
tell you directly about the different contributions of the two variables 
though, as their scales are completely different, but the program also works 
out “standardized coefficients” which convert variables to the same scale and 
so tell you about the proportional contributions. Here we get 0.51 for P, and 
0.70 for A. That is, GNP makes about 150% of the contribution to CO2 production 
that population does in this model (stats heads will be interested that for the 
model r squared = 0.90, that is these variables account for 90% of the 
variation in I). So this exercise seems to be useful in providing evidence 
that, other things being equal, amount of stuff produced is of more concern 
than population in CO2 emissions (actually if there’s interactions between 
independent variables you should put in another terms that does multiply them, 
dxPxA to account for the interaction, but this seems to have little effect here 
so I’ve ignored it).

I think we could add technology to our model in some way. While as mentioned a 
single measure of technology makes no sense to me, maybe there’s relatively 
straightforward measures of 2 variables: a “good T”, e.g. an index of how much 
energy is produced by turbines and solar panels, and a “bad T” e.g. an index of 
much energy is produced by oil and coal. I reckon these would make a 
contribution to the equation, with “good T” having a negative coefficient (more 
good stuff associated with less CO2), and a “bad T” having a positive one (more 
good stuff associated with more CO2). They’d have to be interactions between 
our A and these Ts (the effect of extra A would depend on the extent to which 
it was produced with good or bad T). This could also aid our arguments, by 
suggesting the importance of changing the tech c.f. population and affluence.

But, the populationists might respond, well you’ve shown that population as 
such still has this big effect, so maybe we still should slash immigration or 
sterilize undesirables, or whatever their particular paneceas are. This though 
misunderstands two basic limitations of this sort of exercise. Firstly, the 
First Commandment of observational science, in which we observe a number of 
variables extracted from complex real world systems at one point in time, is: 
CORRELATION AIN’T CAUSATION. We’ve only shown association, and the pattern of 
causation might lie in underlying factors not so amenable to direct 
observation, and/or various interactions we haven’t uncovered (as opposed to 
experimental science, in which we have a lot more control over a limited number 
of variables and can plausibly show mathematical models of causation).

Secondly, a related limitation is that these associations are only valid from 
time the data was observed. Regression can be used for “prediction”, but only 
in the sense we can “predict”, from our equation, the CO2 emissions of a 
country we didn’t use for the analysis, at the same point in time that we 
obtained the measurements we did use. A pointless exercise, as we could just 
look the actual number up. The point of the regression in this and many cases 
is to get an idea of the relative contribution of the different factors.

I.e. taking these two limitations together, it’s not valid to say, hey let’s 
slash population by a certain amount by stopping all immigration next year and 
presto CO2 will fall by b times that amount. This policy have all sorts of 
effects, such as a probably catastrophic economic collapse and a rise in 
xenophobia, a situation which would make developing greener tech and enacting 
progressive social change harder.

In short, we can’t actually prove anything through observation of complex real 
world systems, only build a case through varied analyses and sources of data. I 
think we can integrate the above into our arguments along these lines:

* Yes we acknowledge the evidence shows that, all else being equal, more people 
and more stuff is associated with CO2.

* But how do we address the issue of population, and of how stuff is produced?

* Immigration restrictions and population control are politically perilous, and 
the former does nothing on the global level. The historical evidence shows that 
the effective way to reduce population growth is to increase living standards 
and women’s rights globally. But capitalism is a block to this.

* Greener tech will ameliorate or reverse the effects of more stuff, even 
current evidence shows (I reasonably assumed above) and developing the tech 
will actually require more of many kinds of stuff (education, infrastructure). 
Again though capitalism is in the way of developing and generalizing this tech 
rapidly enough.

* Therefore we need socialism (and the struggle for reforms along the way 
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