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Counterpunch June 14, 2010
One Bitch-Slap After Another
The Do-Nothing President


What do nine dead Gaza activists in the Mediterranean, nine-plus percent 
unemployment, and ninety years of oil catastrophe clean-up have in common?

How about one astonishingly tepid president?

How about one guy in the White House who squirms in his chair anytime 
someone uses the word “bold” and actually means it?

How about one dude in the Oval Office who seems much more interested in 
making deals to determine who should be the Democratic candidates for 
various state offices than in actually solving national problems?

We could hardly have a president more ill-suited to our time if we were 
to dig up Herbert Hoover and prop his weary bones up on the presidential 

Barack Obama has five major problems as president.  The first is that he 
doesn’t understand priorities.  The second is that he seems to have 
little strong conviction on any given issue.  The third is that to the 
extent he stands for anything, it is for maintenance of a status quo 
that continues to wreck the country in order to service the greed of a 
few oligarchs.  The fourth is that he fundamentally does not understand 
the powers and the role of the modern presidency.  And the fifth is that 
he maintains the worst communications apparatus in the White House since 
Jimmy Carter prowled its corridors.  In fairness to his communications 
team, though, he has given them almost nothing to sell.  You try singing 
the praises of bailing out Goldman Sachs one hundred cents on the 
dollar, or of a health care plan that forces people to buy plans they 
don’t want from hated insurance vultures.  It ain’t easy, pal.  Yet, on 
the other hand, Bush and Cheney had far less than nothing to sell when 
it came to the Iraq war – indeed, they had nothing but lies – and their 
team handled that masterfully.

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/green06142010.html

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