Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.


On 6/14/10 12:09 PM, "Louis Proyect" <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> A message from Seize BP about
> the Obama administration's new position on BP
> The Obama administration has just announced a major shift in its
> handling of BP and the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
> For six weeks the Obama administration just said NO to the growing
> nationwide chorus of public opinion demanding that the government seize
> BP¹s assets in an amount commensurate with the damage caused by their
> criminal negligence, and that the funds be placed into a trust that
> could quickly and easily pay for damages and compensation now and into
> the future as more damages accrue.
> Directly on the heels of Seize BP's demonstrations taking place in more
> than 50 cities -- with more demonstrations occurring every day --
> officials from the administration are now announcing a "new" approach to
> BP: President Obama has given BP an ultimatum to create an escrow fund
> administered by an independent body for the payment of claims and
> damages or the White House will invoke its legal authority to create
> such an escrow account from BP¹s assets. He plans to address the country
> in a nationwide television address Tuesday night and meet with BP
> executives at the White House on Wednesday.
> But what is the reality undergirding the Obama administration's
> announcement? It may appear that the administration is now close to the
> demand of seizure of assets for an escrow account unless BP commits to
> the establishment of such an escrow account on its own accord. There are
> several key factors:
>     1.
>        The administration's 55 days of coddling BP has become
> unsustainable from a political and public relations standpoint. The
> government has revealed itself as a subservient appendage to corporate
> interests. Now they are going out of their way to present a different image.
>     2.
>        In recent days, Florida and Louisiana have both made demands on
> BP that funds be escrowed as a down payment to cover initial damages,
> totaling $7.5 billion. BP says that it only has $6.8 billion in cash and
> cash equivalents available. BP itself is reassuring its investors that
> the damages in the Gulf that BP will have to pay will not exceed $3
> billion to $6 billion. It needs to be understood that it is not a
> lowball estimate of the scope of the damage but a statement of intent,
> of just how little BP intends to pay. BP is reported to have called its
> large U.S. stockholders -- J.P. Morgan Chase controls deposits and
> services for 30 percent of BP's U.S. stock -- to pressure the
> administration. The administration¹s plan for an escrow account may be
> seen like a get-tough-against-BP policy but still be designed to further
> protect BP. The telltale indicator will be the amount of BP assets set
> aside for the escrow fund.
>     3.
>        The anger of the people is spreading around the country
> especially as estimates of the amount of oil gushing into the Gulf are
> growing exponentially. To be more precise, what is changing is the
> weakening of the corporate and political cover-up of actual spill
> volume. Substantial amounts of oil being funneled to the surface by BP
> from its new cap are not being processed by BP's on-site tanker because
> it lacks capacity, so the oil is being dumped back into the Gulf. BP
> says it can't get more tankers to the area until July. The relief well
> planned for August may not even work then.
>     4.
>        At the same time, President Obama held what was reported as a
> "warm and constructive" phone call with the British Prime Minister David
> Cameron on Saturday in which he recognized that BP "is a multinational
> company" and reassured Cameron that he did not want to undermine BP's
> value. Obama had been hoping that BP would suspend its upcoming
> shareholder dividend (estimated at more than $10 billion annually), but
> BP has vacillated publicly on whether it intends to do so. The
> administration is worried that BP might not do enough to placate the
> public and that the dire necessity of the situation, as evidenced by
> Louisiana's and Florida's independent demands, will overtake the
> administration's attempts to appear in control of the problem.
>   Seize BP¹s position on the Obama administration¹s New Approach Toward
> BP¹s Assets
> While it is clear that the Obama administration has undertaken what
> appears to be a dramatic shift in its handling of one part of the
> crisis, there are two central issues that will indicate whether it is
> just another sham public relations offensive or something that will make
> a real difference for the suffering people and communities in the Gulf
> states: (1) The size or amount of the escrow fund taken from BP¹s assets
> (the real costs are likely to be in the tens of billions of dollars) and
> (2) that the ³real people² of the affected communities, and not
> corporate and banking representatives or Wall Street lawyers, be
> selected to be the trustees of the fund.
> Seize BP, since it inaugurated the demand to create a trust from seized
> BP assets, has demanded ³that a trust established with the funds seized
> from BP should be administered by the people from the harmed area. The
> trustees should include representatives of the fishers, shrimpers,
> crabbers, unions, small business people and workers in the tourism and
> recreation industry, local elected officials, clergy, and independent
> scientists and environmentalists."
> Seize BP will continue to organize demonstrations, rallies, press
> conferences and banner drops, collect tens of thousands more petitions,
> and engage in the kind of mass grassroots organizing that can, as it
> already has, shift the political climate in a way no politician can ignore.
> Spread the word. Tell your friends to sign up at SeizeBP.org.
> Facebook button
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