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Fever Pitch

“South Africa has some phenomenal PR,” I thought, walking out of a 
lecture given by South African Supreme Court Justice Jennifer Yvonne 
Mokgoro a few years ago on the comparative civil rights protections 
granted under the South African and American constitutions.  According 
to Mokgoro, the United States came in a far distant second.  She wasn’t 
wrong; the South African constitution is among the most liberally worded 
and progressive of its kind.  But consider the current state of South 
Africa:  Crime and HIV prevalence are astronomically high.  Unemployment 
is around 40%.  Income disparity has continued to increase 
post-apartheid.  The President Jacob Zuma – well, the less said about 
him the better.  All the “Rainbow Nation” rhetoric on racism apparently 
remains just that.  So for a country so steeped in problems, I had to 
admire South Africa’s moxie in positioning itself as a beacon of hope, 
not only for its continent, but for the rest of the world.

More recently, I was again struck by South Africa’s public relations 
when I was tied down and forced to watch the film “Invictus” (2009) 
against my will.  Based on a book by Independent reporter John Carlin, 
“Invictus” tells the story of the South African rugby team, the 
Springboks, and their victory in the 1995 Rugby World Cup.  Despite the 
widespread call post-apartheid to put an end to the historically 
racially divisive team, Mandela avidly supported the Springboks, 
anticipating that their victory would bring the country together.

Not only was “Invictus” mind-numbingly dull, it suffered from the fatal 
flaw of most movies of its genre:  it lacked both a prequel and a 
sequel.  A prequel would have shown the uglier facts about why Black 
South Africans so detested the Springboks.  A sequel, in turn, would 
have shown how shortly after the World Cup the Springboks returned to 
their old ways, and the numerous racial allegations and incidents that 
had the country once again calling to disband the team.  As Louis 
Proyect writes about such films: “in each case, the audience is 
hoodwinked into believing that the movie is about the real world rather 
than some liberal fantasy.”

Such criticisms against films like “Invictus” are nothing new; their 
very premise – that racial discord can be best ameliorated not through 
structural change but via a sporting victory – itself cannot be said 
with a straight face.

Or so I thought.

As it turns out, “Invictus” did nail one thing with spot-on accuracy: 
the real-world discourse that sports are an effective means of 
mitigating racial tensions.  In the lead-up to the current FIFA World 
Cup, all sorts of people in high places were throwing such claims around:

“Let’s kick discrimination off the field. Let’s tackle exclusion. Let’s 
put racism offside,” High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay 
stated in an op-ed published in South Africa’s Business Day.

While economic rise can certainly help cure any number of social issues, 
from what I gather, this optimism is not just about the cash.  Hosting 
the World Cup will lead to an increase in tourism revenue, but South 
Africa already is a leader in that regard, ranking second among African 
countries after Egypt in world tourism rankings.  So it’s been predicted 
that any South Africa (as opposed to FIFA) cash gains from the World Cup 
are unlikely to be offset by the tremendous cost of hosting the event. 
Writes Chris Bolsmann at the Harvard Business Review:

     Relying on tax subsidies, the South African organizers have built 
five world-class stadiums, renovated two existing football stadiums and 
a further three rugby stadiums, and made additional significant 
infrastructure changes — all at a cost in excess of 30 billion South 
African rand, double what was predicted in 2006. This is in a country 
where poverty is extreme…

Not only has this World Cup been predicted to lower racism in South 
Africa, but in international soccer overall, which is likewise not a 
particularly nice place for athletes of color, what with the European 
fans who make monkey noises when Black players touch the ball or throw 
bananas onto the pitch.   The Guardian reported that Cameroon’s captain, 
Samuel Eto’o, believes that the World Cup in South Africa can “help to 
diminish the racism that has blighted European football.”

This brings to mind a couple of questions, namely: Are they kidding? 
And, are they serious?

Why is it that sports continue to be viewed as a potent means to 
alleviating racism?  Sure, there are several obvious theoretical 
arguments that can be made to that effect.  Though each team plays for 
its own country, international soccer does have a legacy of dividing 
people in ways completely unrelated to nationalism and ethnicity. For 
example, there is a recurring history of catastrophically violent riots 
between militant fans of Brazilian and Argentinian soccer – in Bangladesh.

Nor am I overlooking the potential benefits of the fact that many 
athletes are themselves of color.  Soccer guru Nick Hornby wrote that 
men do not wish themselves on the pitch, but rather see their team as 
their chosen representatives.  So perhaps having people of color present 
on the pitch reaps benefits akin to their presence in, say, politics or 
the judiciary.  Further, male admiration for another’s athletic prowess 
has a distinct ability to transform into a more generalized admiration 
and source of respect, just as the only Black member of a historically 
segregated club in Kentucky is retired NBA player Sam Bowie – “Sam’s 
just like everybody else,” claimed another White member.

One can go on expounding such theories, but the evidence remains largely 
to the contrary because, above all, sports are a fantasy.  They take 
place in an egalitarian construct with rigid rules designed to maximize 
fair play, so that success will be based solely on skill – in other 
words, a construct that bears no relation to the real world. While 
athletic competitions provide countries and teams with an opportunity to 
present their best selves on the world’s stage, it is only for a 
discrete, deliberate moment, in a vacuum.  Moments like the Springbok’s 
victory at the Rugby World Cup thus cannot be relied on to have 
widespread social reverberations and to catalyze change.  At their root, 
they are just a show.

In that way, sports are not unlike PR – and perhaps that is why South 
Africa is drawn towards them.  The “Rainbow Nation” has no doubt proven 
its ability to show its best self to the rest of the world.  But one 
cannot help but wonder if it has been doing so to its own detriment.

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