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S., we could ponder all of those things, or we could simply keep our filthy
imperialist noses out of it. I really don't understand why this is so hard
to consider. Why do 1st worldists feel that they have to play the "socialist
white man's burden" all the time? Are people in Iran not capable of dealing
with their own bourgeoisie? We should simply be against imperialism and let
them deal with their own house.


> Yeah, but they're not going to keep out of it.  Does that mean then
> Marxists
> shouldn't support movements against repression because imperialists seek to
> use those movements for their own purposes?
> Where exactly does that leave Marxists?  Sitting on their hands, waiting,
> vainly, for a "perfect"  non-tainted movement to emerge?  That's never
> going
> to happen and to urge that is to do nothing other than copy sectarianism
> from an "anti-imperialist" perspective.
> Or worse... when workers strike against a "national revolutionary
> government"  and that government claims the strikers are "object allies of
> imperialism,"  should Marxists excuse, rationalize, support the suppression
> of those workers?
> When the police are turned loose on those workers should Marxists sit on
> their hands, applaud with one hand?  applaud with both hands?  or maybe
> close the hands into fists and defend the workers despite the accusations,
> and the possible reality of imperialist entanglement in the strike?
> Once we answer those questions then we'll be able to make a better
> distinction between Marxism and Kautskyism, between Marxists and
> Kautskyites..
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