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exactly so, and such pedantry was also about buying into ruling class
pundits' complacent assertions that such regimes are merely military
dictatorships and not really fascist and thus really not so bad-and surely
not worse than the bogeyman of Stalinism-so why flip out like "ultra-lefts"
with their political theater of exaggeration etc.  Moreover, leaving that
aside, closer inspection reveals that these brutal regimes and their
supporters really did have a lot in common with the "fascists" of the 1930s
with they and their followers being open admirers of the same.  I remember
back in high school circa 1970 getting into a discussion with an exchange
student from Italy about the Greek Colonels and parroting our party line
that they weren't fascist.  The Italian comrade became completely
flabbergasted asserting that I had a complacent and pedantic attitude that
thought "military dictatorship" was merely just some other garden variety of
class dictatorship like "bourgois democracy" that we don't need to get too
bent out of shape  about.

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 8:49 AM, JoaquĆ­n Bustelo <jbust...@bellsouth.net>wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> On 6/19/2010 12:02 AM, DW wrote:
> > I think Joaquin is simply pandering to populist lingo with his defense of
> > the term "Fascist".
> Well, like duh ...
> That was my point. That the meaning of words is socially determined, you
> can't just keep insisting that everyone else is wrong if they use a term
> more loosely than you, especially when "everyone else" includes 99% of
> the people that use the word.
> For example, I believe that "strictly speaking," you won't find a
> fascist movement in Latin America because such movements are a product
> of imperialist democracies. But it would be foolish to take up the
> cudgels against calling Pinochet or the Argentine gorillas "fascists"
> (just as it would be foolish to keep on explaining that the Argentine
> dictators weren't REALLY gorillas but members of the species homo
> sapiens and so on).
> The point of such polemics is really to establish and re-enforce the
> boundaries of the sect, or in this particular case, of the family of
> Trot sects. That's what it's really about.
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