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NY Times June 18, 2010
Gen. Marcel Bigeard, French Hero of 3 Wars, Dies at 94

PARIS — Gen. Marcel Bigeard, one of France’s most decorated veterans, 
who led troops in the French Resistance in World War II and in wars in 
Algeria and Indochina, died Friday in Toul, France, where he lived. He 
was 94. His death was confirmed by his wife, Gabrielle Grandemange.

General Bigeard, who was wounded in battle five times and escaped from 
prisoner-of-war camps three times, achieved legendary status in France.

Nicknamed “the Heroic Bigeard” by Charles de Gaulle, he participated in 
battles against the Nazis and against rebels in the French colonies of 
Indochina and Algeria.

“He has been called the best paratrooper in the world,” Martin Windrow, 
a British military historian, told The Associated Press, “and whatever 
the truth of that, he most certainly has a claim as the most battle-proven.”

In 1954, he parachuted with his battalion into the besieged French base 
of Dien Bien Phu, in Indochina, and fought the Vietminh, the Vietnamese 
Communist and nationalist forces, until France’s defeat in 1954.

In the midst of Algeria’s war of independence from France, his parachute 
regiment regained control of Algiers, the capital, in 1957.

A profile of General Bigeard (who was a colonel at the time) in Time 
magazine in 1958 captured his tough-as-nails persona: “A martinet, but 
the idol of his men, Bigeard whipped them into shape by running them as 
much as 15 miles at a time. He made them shave every day, no matter 
where they were, doled out raw onions instead of the traditional wine 
ration because ‘wine reduces stamina.’ ”

Born in Toul in 1916, Marcel Bigeard started his career as a bank clerk 
before joining the French Army in 1939. He was captured by the Germans 
in June 1940, but escaped a year later to join the colonial infantry in 

In 1944 he parachuted into France to lead an underground Resistance group.

General Bigeard served in the army until 1974, retiring as a four-star 
general before being appointed deputy defense minister under President 
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and later, a legislator in France’s lower house 
of Parliament.

His reputation was tarnished in 1999 when he revealed to Agence 
France-Presse, after the release of one of his war memoirs, that the 
French military had used torture during the Algerian war.

In July 2000, he declared that torture in Algeria had been a “necessary 
evil,” and described it as “a mission given by the political powers.” 
But he never specified whether he had taken part.

General Bigeard wrote 16 books, most of them memoirs, and received among 
others honors, the Grand Croix de la Légion d’Honneur, one of France’s 
highest distinctions, as well as the Medal of the Resistance and the 
Distinguished Service Order from the British government.

Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Marie-France.

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