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Lüko, he who, besides being a liar,  knows who dead people have in mind, 
apparently can't tell his own ass from that of a horse.  He writes:

 "All the more astonishing that you refuse the content of what you wrote 
above, namely that the only path to a socialist revolution goes via the 
struggle for national liberation, for national independence and unity, or 
its preservation, for the _national_ control over the productive resources 
of the country instead of subjugating it to foreign powers, be it via 
military occupation, direct colonial rule, or neo-colonialist exploitation 
via the workings of the law of value, the unequal exchange and all that. 
These interests of national independence and unity are common interests of 
the working classes, and the national bourgeoisie of oppressed nations, an 
interest limited on the bourgeois side by fears of the working classes, thus 
often preferring to link their fate with those of the foreign oppressor"

Get that?  The interest of national independence and unity are the COMMON 
INTEREST of the working class AND the national bourgeoisie of oppressed 
nations  [emphasis added].   This is an old bit of chicanery, the old class 
collaboration justification that has worked so well in the interests of the 
working class, the poor rural producers, the oppressed  throughout the 
world, from China in 1927, to the Palestine of Arafat, to the Chile of 
Allende,  to the Argentina of Peron 1 and Peron 2, to the Angola of today, 
and... it works so well today in an advanced country where it takes the form 
of "common interests" against the "ultra-right," etc. etc

Ah yes, common interests of the working classes and the national 
bourgeoisie,  I'm sure that's exactly what other dead guys had in mind when 
they were writing about class struggle, "not a farthing for this government" 
[that being the government of Bismarck and the socialists there who mouthed 
and mumbled the similar specious crap about commonality of interest], and 
the fact that the importance of the national independence struggle in Poland 
was that it demonstrated that the national struggle could not be abstracted 
from the historical conditions surrounding that struggle, could not be 
isolated from the struggle for democracy and for the emancipation of an 
oppressed class.

Lüko is definitely the type Engels had in mind when he wrote about those 
socialists who supported the anti-socialism of Bismarck.  I know because old 
Fred told me that at the seance table the other night, when I was holding 
hands with the ghosts of Rosa, Karl, and the workers executed throughout the 
period of the mullahs' rule.

There's a social struggle going on in Iran based on the DIFFERENT, OPPOSED 
interests of the working class and the theocracy, the mullahs, based on the 
needs of the theocracy, the mullahs for accumulation in OPPOSITION to the 
needs of the rural and urban poor, the workers for developing organizations 
of self-emancipation.  That development of those organizations of that 
self-emancipation needs freedom of speech, association, assembly-- those 
needs that are COMMON to the oppressed, the exploited, the discontented--  
those freedoms that the mullahs already has and will maintain in OPPOSITION 
to the poor, the exploited, the workers.

Certainly, the US [and its allied predator bourgeoisie from its allied 
predators] bourgeoisie wants to destroy the government of Iran-- it wants to 
do so for its own, bourgeois reasons.   Those are not the reasons, and the 
actions of those who demand the end to the arrest and execution of workers; 
an end to thug attacks on demonstrators, etc.

All Lüko's posing and posturing about "my" predator country [as opposed to 
what?  his predator country? or other predator countries that aren't quite 
so eager to jump on the "sanction Iran" bandwagon?] is simply an attempt to 
avoid the issues, since the socialists who oppose the theocracy's 
suppression of the demonstrations, oppose it's anti-socialist laws and 
thugs, also oppose any intervention by the US, Israel, or lesser predator 

Lüko wants to establish COMMONALITY of interests everywhere where there is 
no such commonality.  He wishes it existed in Iran between the bourgeoisie 
and the workers.  And he wishes he could dupe others into believing there 
exists a commonality of interests between the imperialist bourgeoisie's 
aggression against the theocracy and the socialist defense of the 
demonstrators, defense of the primary needs of socialism.  But that horse 
doesn't have wings and can't fly.  And its ass is behind its head.  Lüko's 
head is up his.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lüko Willms" <lueko.wil...@t-online.de> 

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