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If Fascism is one expression of imperialist rule, then the
authoritarian Vargas was, funny thing, an anti-Fascist.

When he got to power, the actual source of imperialist domination in
Brazil was the social bloc related to the export trade of coffee,
headed by the United States based monopolies on the global scenario,
and on the Paulista oligarchy in the country.

Most revealing as to the actual meaning of the policies of Getúlio was
the choice he made of a Vice-President for the elections of 1930.

He chose J. Pessoa, a traditional politician in the North Eastern
state of Paraíba. This man was the guy who had sunken the candidacy of
still another Paulista, Júlio Prestes, to the presidency of the

Among his own achievements, Pessoa had managed to levy taxes on the
goods transported from inland Paraíba to the state´s capital and main
harbor, the city of Paraíba.

This cost him the most ardent hatred of the large landowners and the
support of the popular masses in the State.

He was eventually murdered by a political opponent, a journalist who
was in direct relation with the Partido Republicano Paulista, the most
eminent expression of US imperialist penetration in Brazil. The murder
was linked with personal and love affairs too, in a quite
Shakespearean way, but the political meaning of the fact was lost to
no one.

And this assassination was the spark that lit the revolution of 1930 in Brazil.

Who is a Fascist and who is not a Fascist in the Third World are not
easy questions to answer. Even in the soft usage of the word that, for
example, Joaquín B. has been promoting on this list.


Néstor Gorojovsky
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