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S. Artesian:

> that ISO did not support Obama's election 

And all I said was that even if they had, it would make no difference to me, 
since any contribution they make to any future left in the United States will 
not consist of such windmill-tilting.

> no socialist organization, regardless of size, can break the "continuum 
> of oppression" endorsing the presidential candidates of the Democratic 
> Party.

Any socialist organization big enough to make a difference wouldn't *have* to 
endorse presidential candidates of the Democratic Party.

By the same token, any tiny socialist group that does make endorsements of the 
Democratic Party is engaging in sandbox politics, since the Democratic Party 
will get along just fine without the phantom endorsements of marginal groups.

At a certain level of marginality, a socialist organization that leaves the 
realm of critique in order to take up "positions" is tilting at windmills.  

Note that I am talking about organizations qua organizations, and not about 
individual communists who might be engaged in concrete praxis.  But even then, 
in social movements decisions tend to be made concerning concrete courses of 
action and the formulation of demands, not in taking "positions".

"Positions" are reserved for organizations with the weight to implement them.  
Otherwise, they are simply moral affirmations.


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