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`Capitalism' Not So Sacred to Americans as Mood Sours
By Mark Drajem - Jul 13, 2010

Capitalism, the bedrock of the U.S. economic system, isn’t a 
favorite term these days among American citizens, opinion surveys 

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released a poll today showing that 57 
percent of Americans say they support capitalism, compared with 
more than 70 percent who back free enterprise and free markets. 
Polls by the Gallup Organization and the Pew Research Center for 
the People & the Press earlier this year found similar lower 
levels of enthusiasm for the term.

“There’s been an erosion of support for capitalism,” Steve 
Lombardo, president of the Lombardo Consulting Group, which 
conducted the poll for the Chamber of Commerce, said in an 
interview. “It hasn’t become a bad word, but it’s less positive 
than it has been.”

The Chamber’s poll found 20 percent of those polled were neutral 
toward capitalism and 19 percent held negative views.

For the Chamber, corporate America’s biggest lobbying force in 
Washington, that lack of support is a cause for worry, said Stan 
Anderson, managing director of its Campaign for Free Enterprise.

“We need to do a better job of explaining the economic system in 
the United States and how it is working,” Anderson said in an 
interview. “We have been looking at anecdotal information that 
there was a misunderstanding of capitalism.”

‘Big Business, Big Government’

Anderson said Americans’ support for the term “free enterprise,” 
which was viewed positively by 78 percent of the respondents, may 
show that they just oppose any “-isms.”

Charles Derber, a sociologist at Boston College, says the results 
show the public’s unhappiness with the ties between “big business 
and big government,” exemplified by the multi- billion dollar 
bailout of banks in 2008.

“When people say they are down on capitalism, they mean they are 
down on corporate capitalism,” Derber, author of books including, 
“People Before Profit,” said in an interview. “They see capitalism 
as it exists here as anything but a free market.”

‘Corporate Excesses’

A Gallup poll in April found that 52 percent of those surveyed had 
a positive assessment of capitalism and 37 percent a negative 
view. Socialism had a 29 percent positive assessment.

“Reaction to ‘capitalism’ is lukewarm among many demographic 
groups,” Gallup editor Frank Newport wrote May 4. “Fewer than half 
of young people, women, people with lower incomes and those with 
less education react positively” to the term, he wrote.

“It is a reasonable hypothesis that in the midst of the current 
downturn and the visibility of the corporate excesses that 
negative assessments of capitalism have increased,” Newport said 
today in an interview. Gallup hadn’t polled about the term before, 
he said.

In addition to the findings on capitalism, the Chamber’s poll 
found that 43 percent of those surveyed said the Obama 
administration’s policies are making the economy worse compared 
with 23 percent believing it is making it better.

“There is a major trust deficit,” Lombardo said.

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