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*PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity) # 493, **July 23, 2010*

It is one thing to criticize the Geneva conventions or International
Humanitarian Law. It is utterly different to construe IHL itself and its
advocates as a threat to the existence of a state and to initiate a
systematic process of combating them.

Many details remain to be established about the Israeli commando assault on
the Mavi Marmara - the lead ship in a flotilla intent on carrying
humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip - in the early hours of May 31, 2010. But
whatever the investigation of the incident ultimately reveals, the killing
of nine activists is indicative of a dramatic recent transformation in
Israel's relationship to civil society organizations and international
humanitarian law itself.

With very few exceptions, direct and intentional attacks on aid workers or
human rights advocates have hitherto been largely the work of undisciplined
militias, ragged armies, criminal gangs, and police-states. The perpetrators
have included the Taliban, the Bosnian Serb army, Iraqi insurgents, and the
organizers of Latin America’s "dirty wars." Now, with the lethal raid on the
Mavi Marmara, Israel is following in their footsteps.

Israel’s deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon declared that "there is no
humanitarian crisis in Gaza" and that the flotilla was not, in fact, a
relief mission but "a provocation intended to delegitimize Israel". The
Israeli government press office even emailed copies of a Gaza restaurant
menu to reporters in an attempt to prove this point. And, after the attack,

called the flotilla an "armada of hate and violence in support of the Hamas
terror organization". Nothing could more clearly indicate the Israeli
government’s fear and demonization of civil society activists and of
international humanitarian law.* *

*Adapted from "Israel: the third strategic threat", written by Thomas Keenan

*and Eyal Weizman and published on line on June 7, 2010. See text at : ***

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