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I am disturbed by posts such as this. The unstated (and perhaps not even
wholly conscius) implication of the subject line is that somehow
"growing assertion of workers" is of political importance. It is: it
indicates  that capitalism is growing stronger. Such growing assertionin
the wwest _never_ contributed, in the least, to radical political
change. It never will. One of the current weaknesses of u.s. capitalism
is that u.s. workers are not self-assertive enough. Such assertion is
the health of capitalism as war is the health of the state. Unrest among
Chinese workers undoubtedly disturbs the Chinese elite -- it always does
because capitalists themselves can be stupid about this. But such unrest
will put more muscle in Chinese capitalism.

Are we forever to cheer little tiny meaningless gains of (those magic
words, "THE WORKERS" and nevere focus ourthoughts even marginally of
striking blows abut the enemy of humanity -- not the capitalists
themselvess actually, but a system of social relatiosns which has
plunged humanity into a century of barbarism and  is now thretening even
the livability of our planete.

Can't we at least _think_ and _talk_ about our final goal (power) rather
than hide from the necessity of that goal in cheerign every little piece
which gives a minutes comfort to a few inhabitants of humanity's death


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