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David Rovics live in Perth singing "The Last Lincoln Vet" - the public debut
for the song. Concert hosted by Green Left Weekly (www.greenleft.org.au) &
Friends of Palestine (www.fopwa.org) on 25 July 2010.

>From David: "It's strange getting older. When I was young the old people
around me were the 1930's generation, veterans of the massive Depression-era
struggles of the day. Bob Steck lived a few miles down the road from my
mother in Connecticut and was, among other things, a veteran of the Abraham
Lincoln Brigade and spent 16 months in one of Franco's concentration camps.
He died a couple years ago at the age of 95, and this song is for him and
others like him. Many of them of course were killed in battle in Spain long
ago. Most of those who survived the war spent the rest of their lives
serving humanity in one way or another. The few survivors are now in their
nineties." www.davidrovics.com

Quien Dijo Miedo (We are not afraid)
A new film about resistance to the coup in Honduras
6:30pm, Fri 30 July 2010. Perth Activist Centre
Alex Bainbridge: Socialist Alliance candidate for Perth
Alex Bainbridge
al...@greenleft.org.au  **  0413 976 638
Skype: alex.bainbridge.mobile
Twitter: twitter.com/alex_bainbridge
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