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On 8/28/2010 6:35 AM, Mark Lause wrote:

> America's leading right-wing lunatic now claims the legacy of Martin Luther
> King and the civil rights movement as "ours" and something to "take back."

It's part of a larger attempt to cast the Democrats and the left 
(synonymous in their minds) as racists.

Over the past year there has been a steady emphasis on the GOP as "the 
party of Lincoln", "the party of Emancipation".  There has also been an 
emphasis on it being Eisenhower, a Republican, who sent troops to 
enforce desegregation while the Democratic party was the party of Jim 
Crow Southeners.

They've also taken up expounding the notion that programs aimed at 
minorities are examples of the left/Dem. racism, and that diversity and 
multiculturalism are "code words" for "segregation" because they 
represent "emphasis on differences" and an attempt to "fit people into 
stereotypes", whereas the good, kindly, progressive, GOP just wants 
everyone to be "treated the same". (Never mind that they also want 
everyone to *be* the same...)

Beck's been feeding this narrative for a while -notice that picture of 
Lincoln he keeps on his set? But now he's taken it on to the big stage, 
so to speak.

- Juan

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