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>> It is only those technologies that can be employed responsibly and  for 
the benefit of all the living species, which can save the earth from the  
impending environmental catastrophe. To conclude, technologies have to be 
always  looked at in proper social context. All this might sound familiar and 
repetitive  to many comrades, but I would like to highlight the fact that we 
in the poorer  nations look at technology more or less in the way described 
above.  <<  
Vijaya Kumar Marla 

The state of the United States of North America is the basic organ of  
violence in the hands of our imperialist bourgeoisie. Our state is the  
international hangmen of revolution and the enemy of the people of earth. The  
advanced capitalist countries have forever lived at the expense of and mired 
majority of humanity in slavery, poverty, colonial genocide and wars of  
extermination. Some support this state of affairs. Revolutionaries do not.
I agree . . . .  "There can be no worldwide social revolution, unless  it 
involves this vast majority." Without question the "World poor . . . will see 
 their real emancipation as and when a revolution occurs." 
"Real emancipation" - a wonderful expression, or "final emancipation" is  
bounded by and expressed on the basis of the development or evolution of the  
division of labor. The signpost riveting and defining "real emancipation" 
as a  material force is to be found in the material factors of production or 
what Marx  describes as ending the "enslaving subordination of the 
individual to the  division of labor." Political emancipation cannot transcend 
boundary  manifesting the division of labor in society. The Soviet workers won 
their  political emancipation in 1917. Then the real struggle for 
emancipation began. 
The standpoint of the material power of productive forces is my preferred  
lens and preferred narrative. although I do love real time narrative of  
unfolding struggles. 
During the epoch of domination of bourgeois property, qualitative changes  
in the technology regime EMBED within means of production; embed within  
commodities; embed within services and distribution chains are by definition  
deployed to benefit capital reproduction, or the bourgeoisie as ruling class. 
 Thus, I agree that means of production (with their embed technology) are  
deployed on the basis of reproduction of capital and serve to create an 
expanded  value at the expense of the human and the life of the earth. Yes, the 
bourgeois  power has widened the metabolic breach (environmental terrorism 
by the bourgeois  power). 
The automobile industry in India and most certainly China and South Korea,  
is being built up based on a new technology regime, post 1970. The 
technology  clusters embed in an automobile produced in 2010 is different from 
technology clusters deployed in the automobile produced in Henry Ford's 1914 
 factory. In this way of looking at matters, the automobile is not a 
technology  but a complex machine embed with a distinct technology. 
How automotive production and transportation systems are applied in India  
is important and worthy of a separate discussion, possibly under the heading 
 "world automotive production," and the fallacy of developing "auto" as the 
 engine of industrial growth and development in the era of electronics. 
On the level of systems (distinct primary mode of production) new classes,  
new class fragments and new forms of classes are constituted (arise) based 
on  (through) the introduction of qualitatively new productive equipment. 
That is,  by the reorganization of the production of the means of life. One 
way or  another, qualitatively new means of production express a more robust 
(efficient)  form of deployed energy as measured on a continuum that begins 
with the  individual human body/human energy and simple instruments. 
In America we are two generations removed from the sharecropper as a  
concrete expression of class and one generation removed from the industrial  
worker of the front curve of Fordism. What set the stage for the destruction of 
the sharecropper as a class and the small family farm was mechanization of  
agriculture and growth of industrial production. The sharecropper was  
emancipated by mechanization or rather mechanization of agriculture was the  
condition for the emancipation of the sharecropping class. 
The industrial form of the working class created on the basis of Fordism  
has been displaced by a new kind of worker living out their live activity in 
a  regime of advanced robotics and computerized systems. This process of  
displacement is the essence of social revolution. 
"Real Emancipation" is bound up with development of means of production. To 
 state such is to open oneself to accusations of denying the subjective 
aspect of  human life and political tasks. 
In my mothers generation the washing machine did more to emancipate women  
than a thousand proclamations and the Equal Rights Amendment. In a maturing  
bourgeois society the value content of women labor is expressed in and 
realized  through her dependence on the male producer/consumer. Not all women 
without  exception but most certainly millions of proletarian women - as a 
class/caste,  outside the direct production of commodities. 
Someone had to wash the clothes, which in less developed countries continue 
 to take up an inordinate amount of the life activity of women. Someone has 
to  cook so the microwave becomes another device/machine in overcoming 
women's  enslaving subordination to the division of labor. 
The serf achieved his final emancipation by through the destruction of  
everything that made him a serf in the first place. Serf is simultaneously a  
property description and state of development of means of production, as 
these  means are deployed. Real emancipation involves being kicked out of a  
historically evolved social position in a division of labor, which cast one as  
individual/class. No different with the proletariat born of the industrial  
In fact we are witnessing this process in real time. 
Can Technology Bring on a World Wide Social Revolution? 
Nothing else within the field of human relations brings on social  
revolution other than qualitative changes in the means of production or the  
emergence of a new technology regime. A new technology regime compels society 
reorganize itself around the new means of production. The new technology 
regime  gives rise to new classes or new forms of classes and ushers in a new 
division  of labor in the technical means of the material building blocks and 
in  the social sense of property. Now that the new social revolution is well 
 underway, our political task and line of march is along the path of the  
revolution in the means of production. 

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