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Erik:  "I don't get what the decentralized form of our party or internal life 
(active, thank you veddy much) has to do with someone in this list having 
conniptions about Stewart's position."
No, no conniptions, it is unfortunately all too predictable that pretend 
socialists who think it a tactic to stand within the party of War and Plunder 
and then adopt not even a Democratic Party position, but one more akin to 
Republicans on holding the victims of the economic crisis accountable for their 
vicitimization. Moreover, if Stewart had been misquoted, perhaps there would be 
some correction attempted--doesn't seem to be forthcoming--so, one should 
assume it is Stewart's position and the one person (at least one that has 
identified) who is a part of a party with a candidate holding such a despicable 
position can only "cry foul" that decentralized formation was even mentioned 
and thinks that an unemployed worker who asks us to comment (no matter how 
impatiently) is "having conniptions" about this despicaple position, the 
implication being that perhaps the unemployed worker is being too emotional. 
I would say none of us is "having conniptions" in the sense  that a lion isn't 
surprised that a vulture wants to have a part of its meal, abhors the thought, 
and, if that vulture tries to eat one her cubs, will, without hesitation, take 
the bird's neck in it jaws and  . . .crush. . .Don't mess with our unemployed 
brothers and sisters. The least you will get is none of our votes.
Any better, Kenneth?
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