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What's new at Links: Thailand, Bolivia, Raj Patel on Mozambique riots, 
IMF book excerpt, G20, Swaziland, S. Africa, Pakistan, S11 10th anniv.

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    Australia: (video) 10 years ago -- S11 2000 blockade: 'This is what
    democracy looks like' <http://links.org.au/node/1887>

September 11, 2010 -- Ten years ago, thousands of Australian activists 
joined forces to blockade a meeting of the powerful World Economic Forum 
in Melbourne for three days, beginning September 11, 2000. Despite a 
massive show of police force and violence, the unity of the protesters 

    * Read and watch more <http://links.org.au/node/1887>

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing 
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

ATTENTION: Sign up for regular ``what's new'' announcement emails at 

Follow Links on Twitter at http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on 
Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=10865397643

    Thailand: Red Shirt protests on the rise again

By *Peter Boyle*
September 8, 2010 -- Up to 20,000 Red Shirt supporters rallied at a 
concert in the Thailand seaside resort city of Pattaya on September 4, 
in what was one the biggest mobilisations since the military bloodily 
dispersed their mass protest camp in Bangkok on May 19, 2010, killing 91 
and injuring thousands more.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1884>

    (Updated Sept. 8) Raj Patel: Food rebellion -- Mozambicans know
    which way the wind blows <http://links.org.au/node/1878>

September 7, 2010 -- /MOZAMBIQUE News reports & clippings/ mailing list 
-- Price rises which triggered the riots last week have been reversed, 
the government announced September 7 after an emergency cabinet meeting.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1878>

    Exclusive excerpt from `Debt, the IMF and the World Bank: Sixty
    questions, sixty answers', by Éric Toussaint and Damien Millet

September 12, 2010 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Review/, 
with the permission of Monthly Review Press, is delighted to make 
available an excerpt from Éric Toussaint and Damien Millet's new book, 
/Debt, the IMF and the World Bank: Sixty questions, sixty answer./

    * Read more and download <http://links.org.au/node/1888>

    Toronto G20 protests: What was gained and what was lost

By* John Riddell* and *Art Young*

September 2, 2010 -- Two months after the protests against the G20 
summit in Toronto and the accompanying police rampage, it is time for an 
initial balance sheet of what was gained and lost.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1886>

    Thailand: How powerful is the Thai military?

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
September 6, 2010 -- Despite the fact that millions of Thais believe 
that the centre of power among the conservative elites today is the 
monarchy or the Privy Council, the real centre of power, lurking behind 
the throne, is the military. The military has intervened in politics and 
society ever since the 1932 revolution against the absolute monarchy. 
Yet it is also a cliché to just state the number of military coups that 
have taken place. The power of the military is not unlimited.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1883>

    Swaziland: Crackdown on eve of protests, PUDEMO leader arrested

[See also "Swaziland: Small country, big struggle -- global day of 
action for democracy <http://links.org.au/node/1857>".]
By *Lucky Lukhele* and *Norm Dixon*
September 8, 2010 -- The deputy president of Swaziland's People's United 
Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) Sikhumbuzo Phakathi was arrested on 
September 6 at the Phongola border post as the Swazi police and army 
were deporting a delegation of South African activists from the Congress 
of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the Swaziland Democracy 
Campaign (SDC). PUDEMO president Mario Masuku was detained before the 
start a protest march on September 7 to mark the global day for 
democracy in Swaziland.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1882>

    South Africa: Communist youth leader -- `Black economic empowerment
    becomes Zuma economic empowerment' <http://links.org.au/node/1881>

September 5, 2010 - There was cautious optimism among many leftists in 
the African National Congress (ANC) that the ousting of Thabo Mbeki in 
Polokwane [the ANC's 2007 national conference] might mark a shift 
towards a much more egalitarian economic policy, including "Black 
Economic Empowerment (BEE). Instead, BEE is increasingly becoming too 
narrow, amounting to ZEE -- that is, Zuma Economic Empowerment.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1881>

    South Africa: Strike ends, workers' anger remains

/On September 6, the major trade unions representing South Africa's 1.3 
million public servants and teachers announced that the 20-day strike 
for higher wages and allowances had been "suspended". See union 
statements below. Union leaders said the move would allow members to 
consider the latest government offer. Public servants went on strike 
demanding an 8.6% pay rise, while the government has offered 7.5%. 
According to the BBC, workers who came to hear union officials shouted 
in protest when they announced that the strike was being suspended./

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1880>

    Pakistan: Doob Gaya Hai -- a song for flood victims, by Laal (Red)

By *Taimur Rahman*
September 5, 2010 -- I am the main performer in this song. Laal (Red) is 
a communist band. My name is Taimur Rahman and I am also the general 
secretary of the Communist Mazdoor Kisan Party (Communist Workers and 
Peasants Party). This song is not produced for a particular organisation 
but just to raise awareness about the issue.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1879>

    Bolivia: Morales faces new challenges; Behind the 'MAS crisis'

Problems and challenges face Bolivia's radical government -- led by 
President Evo Morales (above), the country's first Indigenous head of 
state -- and the process of change it leads. Australia's /Green Left 
Weekly/ has published two articles on the question, by *Eduardo Paz 
Rada*, editor of Bolivia-based magazine /Patria Grande/, and *Pablo 
Stefanoni*, editor of the Bolivian edition of /Le Monde Diplomatique/. 
Both were translated by *Federico Fuentes*. See also Fuente's "Bolivia: 
Warning signs as social tensions erupt" <http://links.org.au/node/1844> 
and the related comments.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1877>

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing 
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

ATTENTION: Sign up for regular ``what's new'' announcement emails at 

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