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"Abstract "knowing" is not enough because without an organization and  
social forces one cannot maneuver or prove their knowing. 
Corrected text: 
Abstract "knowing" is not enough.  Without an organization and social  
forces one cannot maneuver or prove - manifest, the "correctness" of their  
More opinions 

Bureaucracy - "the society bureau system," is the glue that holds society  
together, because means of production are deployed and activated on this 
basis.  It is the guts - "nuts and bolts," of the system. The bureau system 
becomes  enemy of the people and enemy of "the revolution" in degree to which 
it delivers  services to itself. Bureaucracy is a socially necessary function 
of a society at  a certain stage in growth of the division of labor. 
Bureaucracy is not the  result of private property but the division of labor. 
Private property and a  host of subjective factors gives bureaucracy its class 
human face. 
The bureau system is channel for privilege information, delivery of  
services, short cuts through the societal system, favoritism, a source of 
and balances and good ole fashion red tape. Bureaucracy is administration 
and  administration is inconceivable outside a bureau system. The bureau 
system  founded on the electro-mechanical laboring process, (the industrial 
revolution)  saps the wealth of society as "feed" for conducting "middle man" 
operations, yet  it is indispensable to any society governed by 
electro-mechanical labor process.  The fewer the better is the revolutionary 
approach from 
the "left," "right,"  fascist or communist. 
The bureau system is socially necessary as an artifact of any industrial  
society. No one suggests destruction of the bureaucracy "everywhere" except  
immature anarchists. The bureau system constitutes itself as an 
"intermediate  materially-privileged bureaucratic social layer," to the degree 
redundant  functions are revealed to be delivery of services to itself. A 
bureaucracy" is an attribute of every society on earth. The ideology of 
this  layer of society should not exist because it lives off the wealth of the 
workers  is not well thought out. Some define the Soviet bureaucracy - a 
huge layer of  Soviet society, as an "intermediate materially-privileged 
bureaucratic social  layer," based on its location from the production of 
goods,  distribution and services. 
I do not. 
The danger in Soviet society was much larger than the "party bureaucracy"  
or whatever political faction held power.  Soviet bureaucracy is a huge  
concept of a huge society machine. The bureaucracy in real time and real life 
is  an industrial artifact and we will defeat it on the basis of transition 
away  from  industrial society. Everyone faces the bureau system to one 
degree or  another. In America the most common hated bureau system enemy is the 
IRS -  Internal Revenue Service. Here's a bureaucracy that is an 
"intermediate  materially-privileged bureaucratic social layer" of the 
property,  filled with thousands of people whose job is to keep their hand in 
This general category called "the bureaucracy" or "Soviet" or "Stalinist  
bureaucracy" looms as an ideological fiction in the sense that one ought to 
say  what they mean and informs others of what they speak so we all make 
intelligent  decisions and estimates. After all we can speak in clear "market 
terms"  understandable to the American mind. The world has evened up in such a 
way that  everyone in every theater is going to understand our narrative if 
we are clear. 
Ones market, or rather environment of class struggle is always in flux  
changing and the nature of routine, based on past practice serve as a brake on  
the revolutionary process. This applies to capitalists and communists 
alike.  When capitalist are defeat by way of bureaucratic practices they die in 
the  market and are quickly forgotten. 
During periods of transition from one quantitative boundary to the next  
bureaucracy stifles the adoption of more efficient delivery system and new  
ideas. During the evolutionary leap from one technology regime to the next,  
bureaucracy, as it is based on and rooted in the old political, ideological,  
economic, social and administrative period, emerges as the immediate enemy 
of  the revolutionary transition. The Soviet party bureaucracy, as it merged 
with  state, government and bureau systems administered services of all 
kind and  imposed layers of redundant administrative systems of surveillance. 
By  surveillance IS NOT meant primarily policing/state agencies/KGB type 
stuff, but  what is called "checking up on the systematic fulfillment of task" 
systems  interwoven into everything. This system can be unraveled, assaulted 
and leveled  based on occupations that are "the people checking up on the 
people checking up  on the people." 
Trotsky did not seek to defeat bureaucracy . He sought to defeat his  
political enemy and called his political enemy "the bureaucracy," because every 
ruling group on earth "heads the society bureaucracy." 
How could this redundancy - Soviet style, be defeated seems the question. 
Well, it could not be defeated in the realm of politics and was not. Stalin 
 hit at the bureaucracy using the bureaucracy aimed at the people most  
responsible or as it is called, "at the top." Then the factional battles and  
wars took place at the highest level of Soviet life. Stain defeated one  
political opponent after another with some being jailed, purged and executed. 
 the question is my attitude towards executing political opponents my vote 
and  answer is this: execution should be used in heinous crimes, like first 
degree  murder and certain degrees of rape and torture. 
One cannot change the bureaucracy by changing people or a Trotsky for  
Stalin. One can  always change aspects of the shape of a thing,but you are  not 
gong to change "the thing" with a change in personnel. Nor could change come 
 about by everyone within one bureau system being fired or laid off only to 
be  placed elsewhere in the same kind of bureau system. What became the  
Stalin/Soviet model could not CHANGE, or leap - transition, to a new 
technology  basis or collapse its own redundant system. This law expressed 
itself as 
"one  protecting their own job at all cost." 
The evolutionary leap is very different from transition from one  
quantitative boundary to another. 
The communists were in the Soviet Union were defeated during a period of  
the evolutionary leap in 1989. The subjective reasons dealing with actual 
Soviet  life; (party factional feuds from October 1917 - 1989; disgust of the 
people  with the society bureaucracy; the intellectual and cultural life of 
the party;  the slowing curve economic expansion and consciousness of the 
revolutionaries)  is the stuff of the expert. I believe Stalin's individual 
role in this process  between 1928 and his death was to ensure the growth of 
society wide surveillance  systems, previously defined. 
Lenin faced the old "the bureau system" in a new guise due to its  
fundamentality in the division of labor. What Lenin faces was nothing compared  
industrial bureaucracy or bureaucracy constructed on the basis of an  
industrial infrastructure. He demanded the "fewer the better" and then got more 
the same things. 
Some folks felt if the "armed workers" and the soviets (small "s") were  
allowed greater sway the "the bureau system" could have been defeated  
decisively. If Trotsky had won the political contest Soviet society would have  
been qualitatively altered along with world communist revolution. Or what is 
the  same, if one "conceived correct thoughts and correct ideology" of the 
state  (reading Trotsky for instance, which I have read) and "understood" the 
concept  of "armed workers as the state," (like Marx) rather than a 
professional  organization, and "democratic institutions" of soviets were 
with  automatic recall of all civil servants our problem would be solved. 
Well, we will never know this. 
The cult of the personality is actually the cult of the state/bureau  
system, justifying its existence outside historical phenomenon. Each "head" of 
bureau is a personality and big man with the paramount leader the biggest 
man.  These "big men" make history and allegiance to them is a premium. The 
best  description I read on this subject was that of the Soviet Communists 
(B). My  personal attitude towards "leader worship" is that it is an old model 
history  has discarded.  The cult of personality is a lot deeper that 
making an icon  out of Lenin or Trotsky or Mao of Kim or the rapper .50.  The 
cult of the  personality is the ideology of the state/bureaucracy as state, 
blaming  everything good and bad on individuals rather than the very systemic 
relations  that is the state itself. 
Hymns were sung to Stalin but Stalin himself could not create such a  
system. He could support such a system but not create it. The bureaucracy  
creates the "cult of the personality" no different than Hollywood creates its  
cults of movie stars. Both seek to only preserve their existence and keep the  
masses looking at the individual rather than system relations. 
If the question is how do we in America avoid "the cult of the personality" 
 then I say we  do not and cannot. The difference is that political persons 
 are not cults on the level of our movie stars, and those that rise to such 
 heights are quickly toppled, in favor of a new model 

More later. 


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