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The late Mark Jones, commenting on the fall of the USSR, labelled that 
society a "liberated zone" -- one that had lasted for 70 years. I
believe the same label is illuminating for _all_ the nations that have
struggled to delink themselves from international capital.  It is
therefore misleading to judge them as "socialist states" or "failed
socialist states." I think Lenin knew this: that Russia could not
achieve socialism without a sociialist revolution in several of the core
capitalist states. But what what made Lenin great was simply the model
he provides of a revolutionary who knws that one must make the effort
regardless of abstract theoriy. One cannot know the future, and hence it
is always wrong to refrain from struggle on the basis of the ripeness of
conditions. Rosa Luxemburg made this point specifically in regard to the
Paris Commune in her Stuttgart Congress speeches.

Most "criticisms" of these liberated zones are grounded in an
essentially voluntarist view of revolutionary history -- the concealed
premise is always "if they had had the right theory they would have
succeeded" -- success being measured against a false conception of what,
up to now, has been achievable. Socialism simply was not on the agenda.
The whole world was not yet capitalist.  These revolutions moved their
nations into the 20th-c. They correctly aimed at more, but we are
wrongif we don't see now that more was not possible.


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