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On 23/09/2010 20:19, Nestor Gorojovsky wrote:
> Dear David (BTW, do you have any relation with Picón Salas?), I am 
> against the slander and libel law myself. BTW, the current Arg 
> government has finished this law.

No relation, as it happens. When you say you're against the law, I have
to agree. Now perhaps in Spain this issue takes on a special political
significance, given that not too long ago, a humour magazine called "El
Jueves" got in trouble for publishing a caricature of the Prince. The
people involved were successfully indicted and sentenced for libel
against the crown.

A similar event took place when, in Cataluña, demonstrators burned
photos of the king.

Because of these events and my familiarity with lots of unjust outcomes
of these laws in the UK, where they have a very bad effect on free
expression, particularly by people without deep pockets to withstand
prosecution, I'm very much opposed to these sorts of actions.

> `[...] You cannot forbid slander. The question is whether you can 
> resort to legal actions against it, or not, not because it is slander in 
> itself but because it may entail a vicious attack on you and even murder 

I suppose it is a bit of a special case, yes.

> OTOH, in fact, I think that the sensible comment that working class can 
> suit class actions closes the whole issue.

It's a fair point, and obviously labour law, inadequate as it may be,
helps many workers defend some of their rights some of the time. I
suppose my point was mostly addressed to the fact that we shouldn't lose
sight of the reality that the institutions of bourgeois justice are
fundamentally partial. The outcome can only be called justice in a very
limited sense.


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