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Note by Hunter Bear [9/25/10]
Before I turned in last night, I wrote this on the Redbadbear list where 
something of a discussion is developing on yesterday's FBI raids directed 
against anti-war activists.  See 

There are not, as nearly as one can tell, any illegal overt acts involved -- or 
even alleged at this point -- with these groups and their members.  This smells 
like the vaporous and poisonous "conspiracy doctrine" coming over the horizon 
yet again -- maybe fueled by paid informers. In the development of "red 
scares," the first groups attacked are those seen by authorities as the "least 
popular." And then It goes on from there.  

Whatever the differences among the forces of the Left and activist liberals, 
this is obviously "an injury to one . . ." challenge. Left and liberal groups 
still committed to Obama and Holder et al. should be losing whatever stars 
remain in their eyes -- and joining other activists in defending fundamental 
civil liberties principles.  This is police state stuff -- using the "task 
forces" initially set up by Clinton under his Anti-Terrorism and Death Penalty 
Restoration Act and continued under Bush and beyond into the so-called Change 
administration.  [H]

The "conspiracy doctrine" is being used with increasing frequency by the 
Federal government to attack and harass a variety of peaceful dissenting groups 
in this country.  Its usage requires no proof that any overt illegal action 
occurred -- simply that there was alleged "discussion" of such.  And, as I've 
noted, "proof" of that is often tendered by paid government informers.

I came of "radical age" at the beginning of 1955 when I was turning 21.  That 
was in the pits of the Cold War "Red Scare" -- so I do have a reasonably 
informed historical [and contemporary] perspective on how these deliberately 
set "Scare" fires get started and managed in order to destroy democratic 

This piece of mine on a major example of this -- the Mine-Mill Conspiracy Case 
-- has been around before.  There are new people on some lists who have not 
seen it and, even if you have, it would be worth a review:

Abenaki/St. Regis Mohawk 
Protected by Na´shdo´i´ba´i´ 
and Ohkwari' 
Our Hunterbear website is now more than ten years old.
It contains a vast amount of social justice material -- including
much on techniques of grassroots activist organizing.
Check out http://hunterbear.org/directory.htm

See Outlaw Trail: The Native as Organizer:
[Included in Visions & Voices: Native American Activism [2009]

See our extensive course on activist Community Organizing -- often with
new material:  http://hunterbear.org/my_combined_community_organizing.htm

See: The Stormy Adoption of an Indian Child [My Father] and its
accompanying essay on Minority Adoptions and Native Land
and Resources:

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