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John sarcasm here is alas very justified.  This was a fairly crazy article.
I thought for example you had to have a revolution before you had a counter

Nevertheless Ed Milliband' election does represent something of a feint to
the Left on the behalf of the union bureaucracy and as such it must be in
response to a feeling that their interests as a caste have not been well
served by New Labour. I am prepared to take on good faith the notion that
there was widespread working class dissatisfaction which also played  a

What now?  Well Ed Milliband has already been threatened by the Labour Right
with a split.  He will in all likelihood respond to that by moving to the

Only a genuine radicalisation of the working class will move the Labour
Party to the Left. And from here I can see no sign of that.
I am also inclined to think that the Milliband brothers have pulled off
quite a double act. Whatever happens in this "Left" versus Right  struggle
within the Labour Party, the Milliband family will do well.  All very
Godfather -ish.

 There have been posts on the list about how could a genuine Marxist
intellectual giant give birth to such such egregious opportunists. like Ed
and David.  I have posted before how a friend who knew them from childhood
told me that the brothers were motivated by a conviction that their father
had achieved nothing.

I don't know the family at all and never will, but life has taught me that
such a perception of their father would have to have been filtered through
someone else -(the mother?)  Or is that just me blaming the woman again?

In any case it is the suffering working class of Great Britain that has my
interest and sympathy, while the smarmy brothers have only my contempt.


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