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Gary, love your description!

George Anthony wrote in response to Gary (and John E?):
>This is a defeatist line which gives no credit to the hard work put into
the campaign by genuine left forces, faced with a difficult choice that does
not  deserve to be dismissed

But what if the hard work is for no good reason at all?

I fail to see how good people propping up a totally rotten edifice is worthy
of praise.

One of the things I became convinced of from living in Britain - and I was
there at the height of Bennism, which was far more radical than Smarmy Ed -
was that until the British far left gets off the coat-tails of the bourgeois
"Labour" Party you can forget about any progress towards socialist

Backing the 'left' in the LP (which becomes less and less left every decade)
against the 'right' is the same shell game which various American leftists
play in terms of the Republicans and Democrats.

A revolutionary organisation in Britain (like in Australia and NZ) can only
be built in the context of a struggle to destroy Labour, not in wasting
energy in helping try to salvage it.

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