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What's new at Links: Venezuela, MDGs, Thailand, Sweden, Cuba, FBI raids 
left, John Coltrane, Pakistan

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    Sweden: Far-right election gains met with spontaneous mass protests

By *Johann Sommansson*
September 23, 2010 -- The counting of votes in the September 19 Swedish 
parliamentary elections sent out shock waves. The far right made its 
parliamentary debut, and for the first time in modern Swedish political 
history an incumbent non-Social Democrats government has been able to 
win a national election. As such, the process of dismantling the Swedish 
welfare state is set to continue unabated.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1905>

    Thailand: What the September 19 mass Red Shirt rallies mean for Thai
    politics <http://links.org.au/node/1902>

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
September 21, 2010 -- In the afternoon of Sunday, September 19, 2010, 
tens of thousands of Red Shirts returned to the Ratchaprasong 
intersection in Bangkok to remember the coup four years previously, and 
the deliberate murder in April and May this year of around 90 unarmed 
demonstrators, many of whom were gunned down by army snipers near 

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1902>

    Cuba: The drive for efficiency within socialism

By *Helen Yaffe*
September 22, 2010 -- The announcement by the Cuban Trade Union 
Confederation on September 13, 2010, about plans to reduce the 
state-sector workforce by half a million was greeted by jeering 
headlines from journalists outside the island. Cuba is rarely of 
interest to the bourgeois press unless they believe there is some crisis 
to celebrate or that new measures can be interpreted as evidence of a 
shift from socialism to capitalism.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1911>

    (updated Sept. 26) United States: Solidarity needed! FBI raids left
    activists under guise of `anti-terrorism'

/Against the Current/ -- On September 24, the FBI conducted raided the 
homes of antiwar and left activists in Minneapolis, Chicago, Michigan 
and North Carolina. These provocations, under the guise of 
"anti-terrorism", appear to have targeted leaders of the Freedom Road 
Socialist Organization, which publishes the /Fight Back! /newspaper and 
website. The articles below are from /Fight Back! News/, /Twin Cities 
IndyMedia /and /War Times/

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1909>

    Venezuela criticises `market totalitarianism' at UN Millennium
    Development Goal summit <http://links.org.au/node/1908>

By *Tamara Pearson*, Merida

September 22, 2010 -- In Venezuela, "social investment has become a 
national strategy to achieve the Millennium Development Goals", said 
Jorge Valero, Venezuela's ambassador to the United Nations, in his 
September 21 speech at the UN summit in New York analysing progress 
towards reaching the Millennium Development Goals.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1908>

    Venezuela: Opposition and media lies about lack of democracy exposed

By *Francisco Dominguez*

September 23, 2010 -- Venezuelans vote on Sunday, September 26, for the 
South American country's 165-seat National Assembly -- its national 
parliament. This is the 16th national election or referenda since Hugo 
Chávez was first elected president in 1998.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1907>

    `A force which is truly for good' -- John Coltrane and the jazz
    revolution <http://links.org.au/node/1906>

By *Terry Townsend*
September 23, 2010 -- John William Coltrane (abbreviated as "Trane" by 
his fans) was born on this day in 1926. Since his untimely death on July 
17, 1967, saxophone colossus Coltrane has become an icon of 
African-American pride, achievement and uncompromising determination. He 
led a revolution in music that mirrored the turbulent growth of black 
militancy and revolutionary ideas within the urban black community. 
Today, Trane continues to inspire.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1906>

    Pakistan: 'Cancel the debt to help flood victims'

September 18, 2010 -- *Ammar Ali Jan* is a 23-year-old activist in 
Pakistan who visited Australia earlier this year to speak at the 
Resistance national conference. He is an organiser of the Progressive 
Youth Front (PYF), which campaigns for democracy and against corruption. 
He spoke to *Melanie Barnes* from Resistance about what's been happening 
in Pakistan, especially the devastating impact of the recent floods.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1903>

    Thailand: `The Red Shirts will fight on!' -- Eyewitness account,
    photos of Sept. 19 Red Shirt protest <http://links.org.au/node/1901>

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1901>

* * *
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different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing 
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

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