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Dr *José Bell Lara*, professor at the Latin American Faculty of Social 
Sciences, University of Havana (FLACSO-Cuba), interviewed by *Johannes 
Wilm*. Bell Lara has written essays such as "Globalisation and Cuban 
Revolution" (2002) and "Cuban socialism within Globalisation" (2007), 
and is part of the international advisory board of the journal /Critical 
Sociology/. This interview was conducted in Havana in September 2010.

* * *

*Johannes Wilm: The Cuban government recently announced some changes. 
Among other things, it will be possible for more people to work 
independently. What is it that Cubans expect from these changes? *

*José Bell Lara:* This is a time of deep economic crisis globally. And 
of course Cuba is affected by this crisis. For the Cuban economy it has, 
taken together with the the embargo by the United States, a strong 
impact. To maintain the socialist project it is necessary to achieve an 
efficient functioning of the economy. In this sense, we must extend 
factors that can increase productivity and better conditions of life.

For a long time we have had a paternalistic policy on the part of the 
Cuban state when it came to state employment. There is more personnel 
than is needed. Where it takes five people, we have eight. Those who can 
produce more, produce less... We have to find the optimal number of 
employees in the state sector, while simultaneously giving opportunities 
for the extra workforce to be employed meaningfully.

In Cuba no one will end up unemployed due to our social protection 
mechanisms. In any country in Europe or North America, the surplus 
workforce would simply be sent home with four to six weeks' of state 
aid. Here, together with seeking greater efficiency in the state sector, 
other possibilities are opened, such as working independently and 
through the cooperatisation of many activities.

Full interview at http://links.org.au/node/1916


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