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Ecuador's Correa haunted by Honduras

This was a coup attempt – encouraged by Washington's shameful support 
for the overthrow of Manuel Zelaya last year

by Mark Weisbrot

In June of last year, when the Honduran military overthrew the 
social-democratic government of Manuel Zelaya, President Rafael Correa 
of Ecuador took it personally. "We have intelligence reports that say 
that after Zelaya, I'm next," said Correa.

On Thursday, it turned out to be true. Some analysts are still insisting 
that what happened was just a police protest over possible benefit cuts 
that got out of hand. But to anyone who watched the prolonged, pitched 
gun-battle on TV last night, when the armed forces finally rescued 
President Correa from the hospital where he was trapped by the police, 
this did not look like a protest. It was an attempt to overthrow the 

The co-ordinated actions in various cities, the takeover of Quito's 
airport by a section of the armed forces – all this indicated a planned 
coup attempt. And although it failed, at various points during the day 
it was not so clear what the outcome would be.

The government pointed a finger at a former president and army colonel, 
Lucio Gutierrez, and he was on television yesterday calling for the 
ousting of Correa. He accused the president of everything from 
supporting the Farc (the guerilla group fighting Colombia's government), 
to wrecking the economy.

The coup might have had a chance if Correa were not so popular. Despite 
his enemies in high places, the president's approval rating was 67% in 
Quito a couple of weeks ago. His government has doubled spending on 
healthcare (pdf), significantly increased other social spending, and 
successfully defaulted on $3.2bn of foreign debt that was found to be 
illegitimately contracted. Ecuador's economy managed to squeak through 
2009 without a recession, and is projected to grow about 2.5% this year. 
Correa, an economist, has had to use heterodox and creative methods to 
keep the economy growing in the face of external shocks because the 
country does not have its own currency. (Ecuador adopted the dollar in 
2000, which means that it can do little in the way of monetary policy 
and has no control over its exchange rate.)

Correa had warned that he might try to temporarily dissolve the congress 
in order to break an impasse in the legislature, something that he has 
the right to request under the new constitution – though it would have 
to be approved by the constitutional court. This probably gave the 
pro-coup forces something they saw as a pretext. It is reminiscent of 
the coup in Honduras, when Zelaya's support for a non-binding referendum 
on a constituent assembly was falsely reported by the media – both 
Honduran and international – as a bid to extend his presidency.

Media manipulation has a big role in Ecuador, too, with most of the 
media controlled by rightwing interests opposed to the government. This 
has helped build a base of people – analogous to those who get all of 
their information from Fox News in the United States, but 
proportionately larger – who believe that Correa is a dictator trying to 
turn his country into a clone of communist Cuba.

The US state department issued a two-sentence statement from secretary 
of state Hillary Clinton, who late Thursday urged "all Ecuadoreans to 
come together and to work within the framework of Ecuador's democratic 
institutions to reach a rapid and peaceful restoration of order." Unlike 
the White House statement in response to the Honduran coup last year, it 
also expressed "full support" for the elected president. This is an 
improvement, although it is unlikely that it reflects a change in 
Washington's policy toward Latin America.

The Obama administration did everything it could to support the coup 
government in Honduras last year, and, in fact, is still trying to 
convince the South American governments – including Ecuador, Brazil, 
Argentina and the collective organisation of UNASUR – to recognise the 
government there. South America refuses to recognise the Lobo government 
because it was elected under a dictatorship that did not allow for a 
free or fair contest. The rest of the hemisphere also wants some 
guarantees that would stop the killing of journalists and political 
activists there, which has continued and even got worse under the 
"elected" government.

As the South American governments feared, Washington's support for the 
coup government in Honduras over the last year has encouraged and 
increased the likelihood of rightwing coups against democratic left 
governments in the region. This attempt in Ecuador has failed, but there 
will be likely be more threats in the months and years ahead.

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