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Coup fails in Ecuador but tensions remain

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by Simon Basketter

A strike organised by police officers in Ecuador turned into an
attempted coup last week.

The police said they were protesting against a public security law,
which they claimed would end their bonuses and medals.

When Ecuador’s president Correa confronted some police protesting in
the capital Quito on Thursday of last week, the police responded with
tear gas.

Correa came to office on the back of a mass movement against
neoliberalism. He is often identified as part of the wave of radical
leaders that have emerged in Latin America over the last decade, like
Chavez in Venezuela and Morales in Bolivia.

But increasingly Correa has tried to balance between the left and
right, leaving him weaker and under pressure.

While police who had been protesting started returning to work in
parts of the country by early afternoon, the tension continued in the
capital while Correa remained in hospital.

State media dominated the airwaves, accusing the country’s right wing
of an attempted coup and alleging involvement of the opposition
Patriotic Society Party and the influence of ex-president Lucio


Correa said that police told him he would not escape from his hospital
room if he did not revoke the public security law.

Demonstrations against the coup took place as the day progressed. At
10pm soldiers opened fire on the police and rescued Correa.

Correa remains popular. Initially his government cancelled debt and
increased health spending. He also closed a US military base—which is
one reason the US may be inclined to encourage coups. But recently
Correa has opened the economy up to multinationals.

Although indigenous organisations in Ecuador have been in conflict
with the Correa administration, important groups such as the
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), made
strong statements condemning the coup attempt.

The organisation has led protests against the Correa government during
the last year. Indigenous and non-indigenous communities protesting
against mining and oil expansion have faced repeated repression.

CONAIE cited Correa’s failure to build alliances with Ecuadorian
social movements as one reason he was vulnerable to attempts by the
right to destabilise the government.

They said, “While the government has dedicated itself exclusively to
attacking organised sectors like the indigenous movement, workers’
unions, etc, it hasn’t weakened the structures of power of the right.”

While opposing Correa’s support for the oil and mining interests, they
rejected the “disguised right wing support” for the attempted coup,
saying they “will continue to struggle for the construction of a
plurinational state with a true democracy.”

Ecuador has offered inspiring examples of mass struggle in recent years.

On three occasions—in 1999, 2000 and 2003—attempts to impose punishing
neoliberal programmes were defeated by mass movements, including those
led by CONAIE.

These impressive movements, bringing together the national
organisation of indigenous people and the national trade unions, hold
the key to Ecuador’s future.

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