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I'll contribute $100.00

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 5, 2010, at 8:14 PM, waistli...@aol.com wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
>>> But the fact is that James Madison and the American founders  were very 
> big on the idea of checking power. It's remarkable that, in this day  and 
> age, that very crucial aspect of their thought is simply neglected across  
> the 
> "respectable" political spectrum.<< 
> ML 
> Comment 
> Madison was "the man" and father of "the Bill of Rights," which I  
> understand to mean "the Bill of Rights of Citizens," counterpoised to serfs,  
> slaves 
> and colonial subjects, willing to assert their rights as citizens.   All of 
> us in our past 10 generations have experienced at least two of these  
> categories if not all three. I understand Madison to have written about a 
> third  
> of the Federalist Papers - which I have still to read, but from what I do  
> understand and believe, "the Bill of Rights" in America express what Marx 
> called  "the struggle of the bourgeois and proletariat takes place in the 
> democratic  Republic." 
> "We" - revolutionaries, can champion the Bill of Rights as a "specialty  
> group cause" established for that purpose from a collectivist lens of public  
> property. 
> In our representative form of government where the President is head of  
> government and head of state, concentrating political authority in the 
> executive  branch is at the expense of the legislative and judicial branch. 
> This 
> means an  added impulse to the police state or as it is called, political 
> fascism. 
> Not being funny or anything, your self sacrifice and years of training,  
> study and writings on these matters is a benefit to all. Ever think about a  
> pamphlet from a Marxist lens? I would raise money for such, featuring Madison 
> and the meaning of political democracy. 
> Ain't nobody in this country a damn serf or slave. We free proletarian  
> citizens. 
> I commit to an initial donation toward such a pamphlet $300 in the here and 
> now. I would love something under the heading: "Third American 
> Revolution." 
> This is of course your call, and the donation stands period. 
> WL.
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