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S.A. said:" do that independently of endorsing, supporting Correa, his 
government, his 
 program, and his.... class.  In fact in all the analogies offered-- Allende, 
Kerensky and the PRG, Zelaya, MNR -- it was made clear that mobilization 
against reaction could, or would be successful in the long run only if it  was 
organized from such a position of independence."

Thanks, Sartie, indeed, the independent organized working masses defending a 
democratically elected government, no matter how capitalist to the core, 
against right wing reaction that would prevent the organized masses from 
operating openly is, of course, the way to "be successful in the long run" and 
I would add in the short run as well. I may have no illusions in any actual or 
fake progressive government that remains the maintainer of the capitalist 
state, but it does not prevent me from knowing the defense of democratic rights 
and of the working class to continue its struggle for power when I see it--even 
if such a defense must involve the defense of a "revolutionary democrat" or 
even a capitalist "left" politician. 

As Greg so willingly raises, I am ignorant of the details of Ecuador but I am 
certainly willing to learn and observe the nature of any leader "left", 
"democratic", or "anti-imperialist". I'm just not willing to oppose him in the 
streets with right wing reaction on the line; as I seem to gather that neither 
do you. I'll grant that we may have major disagreements on the nature of 
"leaders", but I believe we share the common view that it is not "leaders" that 
are important, but the masses and their aspirations for, as you like to put it, 
"emancipation" that leaders may well or not so well represent. 
Maybe we're getting somewhere?                                    
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