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No Groove, Just One Nation Under a Grip

By Jared A. Ball
Black Agenda Report, October 6, 2010

A rally for jobs, justice and education that occurs only two years  
after the election of a president and party who apparently cannot  
deliver either and which blames not the party in power for those two  
years but only the fringe elements of the out-of-power right wing, is  
a rally that even with a George Clinton performance is One Nation  
under no groove only a grip. And this grip of the Democrats is no  
soft hold. It is a death grip. It is a strangle hold designed to  
squeeze the life out of progressive elements within their own party  
and throughout the rest of the country—indeed the world. In what is  
being heralded as a largely successful mobilization of a young,  
energetic, diverse movement led by unionized labor and civil rights  
organizations was really a carefully manicured slap in the face of  
those traditions of struggle. Rather than the traditions of each,  
which include bold, strong irreverent organized acts of disobedience  
today’s versions are safely cajoled spokespersons of the liberal  
element of the ruling elite.

For those who have been coming to Washington, DC for decades to  
attend these kinds of rallies there was absolutely nothing new. First  
and foremost is that it was yet another march in DC that had nothing  
to do with the immediate concerns of most of the residents of DC.  
Secondly, there were the same tributes to organized religion, pledges  
of allegiance to the United States and a choir-styled national anthem  
meant to convey a fraudulent grassroots image and inclusion of the  
Black working class. But mostly it was the same in that it held out  
no real challenge to power, no threat of a push against liberalism or  
conservative Democratery. There were the regular co-opted calls of  
“power to the people,” quotes referencing A. Phillip Randolph’s that  
enemies of healthcare, education and jobs are “enemies of the Negro,”  
comparisons made between the Tea Party and the old Dixiecrats and  
even an extended reading by several young people of Dr. King’s, “I  
Have A Dream” speech. But there was only scant reference of King’s  
own disillusion with his dream or the fact that the Dixiecrats of old  
are the Democrats of today and that these are still the “enemies of  
the Negro.”

But worst of all was the consistent and clear message that the  
problems we face today are the result of “40 senators” and a rabid  
right-wing of the country whose persistent responses of “no” have  
held back our innocent, even heroic, current president. The calls for  
jobs, peace, healthcare and education were simply hollow given that  
the president all of these people elected has done nothing to advance  
any of these issues in ways that did not more so advance the  
interests of the very entities who benefit by the currently horrible  
conditions of each. The proud traditions of labor and human rights  
struggles in this country and around the world are disrespected by a  
leadership that simply says to vote for the Democrat who will  
beautify our oppression rather than end it. The argument coming loud  
and clear from the podium Saturday was simply that if you don’t again  
vote for the Democrats and Obama then there was no point in having  
voted for them in the first place. There was no point then and there  
is no point now. A banker’s party is a banker’s party no matter the  
color or gender of the candidate.
There was one white man I heard this weekend who seems to have not  
completely lost his mind. David Swanson of the Progressive Democrats  
of America actually called for us to devalue the role of elections  
and the presidency itself by massive, even disruptive civil  
disobedience and grassroots organization. He is absolutely correct.  
Calls that we vote specifically because of the lives given toward  
achieving that right usually miss the point of what those fighting  
for the vote actually wanted that exercise to deliver. Marches that  
only belatedly call for the elected to deliver that which their  
benefactors have assured they cannot are simply foolishness. New  
directions with newly-developed methods of popular and public  
challenges are needed.

For in the end Dick Gregory was right. By consistently voting for the  
lesser of evil and by never seeking the truth about the  
assassinations of people we march in honor of we follow the path that  
leads us to Nazis.

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