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I generally agree with both Sartesian and Greg on Ecuador. But here I
disagree him.

IF there was a succesful coup against Correa we not only would oppose the
coup we would be in the forefront of demanding his return to office. The
democratic will of the majority of Ecuadoreans who voted for him based on
*their* interests must be defended unconditionally. Honduras is a prime
example of this...the masses themselves defined the ONE demand the
Imperialists wouldn't compromise or negotiate: the return of Zelaya.

There seems to be a general lack of understanding by Sartesian on the issue
of democracy and democratic demands. Revolutionaries do not define what
these demands are. We can refine them, nuance them, support them, but the
people march and mobilize, indeed, they FIGHT for the demands THEY raise,
not parties who barely exist or don't exist at all (Marxmail as a 'party',
for example). As Marxists we may understand all the limit of capitalist
democracy, but that is how all these revolutions *start*. How they end up is
likely up to the conscious revolutionaries to put forward an analysis and
program to organize the masses to complete *their* democratic revolution,
that is, to  its *only* successful conclusion.

Sartesian *seems* to dismiss this. It is mistake, in my comradely opinion.
We don't stand aside from those democratic impulses, we champion, lead and
are the best fighters for them. Period.

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