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Thank you for this Lou.  I have yet to see either film, but I will make an
effort to catch *Samson and Delilah*.  I am though familiar with the
political debate around the films.

Since Aboriginal Australians got some land rights in the 70s there has been
a drive to assimilate them. this has been  led by the Right Wing Think Tanks
The Bennelong Society <http://www.bennelong.com.au/> and The Centre for

The real issue here is that Indigenous control of Indigenous land is awkward
for mining companies. they have to negotiate with people who traditional
viewed the land not as a commodity to be plundered but as habitat.

Something of the importance in political terms of Samson and Delilah can be
gathered from this hostile
Gary Johns the CEO of the Bennelong Society.  Johns is a nasty piece of
works.  A former minister in the Labor Government of Paul Keating, Johns has
spent his post parliamentary career bashing Aboriginal culture  for rich
whites.  The mining companies probably love him.

That he hated Samson and Delilah is sufficient recommendation for taking the
time to see it. The film's message that redemption for Indigenous Australia
is possible outside the parameters of assimilation to white society is what
Johns hates.  Like the right wing rabid Christians who continually preach
that to be gay is to be miserable and then proceed to make every gay as
unhappy as they can, Johns preaches that Aboriginal culture is inferior and
that only when Aboriginal Australia vanishes into whiter society will all be




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