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Special thanks to all of those who signed the online petition set up by the
International Action Center, attended the demonstrations in support of
Bronaugh Sisters, and did not allow the media's slanderous claims to get in
the way of the truth. The victory in the courtroom belongs to the entire
working class. It was the result of the mass pressure and refusal to back
down on the part of countless individuals who supported DeAsia and her
sister, as well as a great deal of bravery on the part of the sisters and
their mother. We must now move forward, and fight for a similar victory for
the Whitby family, and for DeAsia's older sister, Destini, also facing

*"Power Concedes Nothing Without Struggle!" -* Frederick Douglas.

>From *Scene* Magazine:


*DeAsia Bronaugh Wins in Juvenile Court*

*by Kyle Swenson*

Throughout the summer we’ve kept readers dialed-in to the fates of Destini
and DeAsia Bronaugh, the teen sisters who tangled with Cleveland Police at a
protest outside of Collinwood High School in
The girls were subject to a rough arrest, and the entire incident was caught
on tape by *Scene*’s favorite Marx-toting community organizers, Caleb Maupin
and Adam 
The clip, below, was shown on media outlets across the city, stirring up
talk of police brutality. After some uncertainty, county prosecutors went
ahead and charged the two with felonies, and the younger girl — 17-year-old
DeAsia — went on trial this week in juvenile court.

DeAsia was looking down the barrel at two felony counts of assault on a
police officer. The proceedings went before Magistrate Jeffrey Ehrbar and
were held in a dank, cramped courtroom of the Juvenile Justice center.
Juvenile proceedings are usually closed to the public, but due to the
high-profile nature of the case, the family asked and was granted an open
trial. Flanked by her mother Tina and backed by a small group of supporters,
DeAsia quietly sat at a desk in the courtroom throughout two days of

The trial only got as far as the state’s case. Key to the charges was the
prosecution’s assertion that during the struggle with police DeAsia
attempted to kick one of the officers in the face. The prosecution called
school security guards and the arresting police officers on the stand to
bolster the claim.

Well-known courtroom vet Terry Gilbert handled the defense. With his
amped-up cross-examinations, he pretty much tapped danced over testimony of
police; much of the back and forth focused on whether or not DeAsia actually
intended to kick the officer or if her foot just happened to be dangling in
the vicinity. Maupin’s video was repeatedly played in slow-motion. Things
got wonky, like an extended bit on what may exactly constitute a “kick.”

By the time the state was finished, Gilbert made a motion to dismiss the
charges on the grounds that the prosecution failed to make its case against
the girl. Ehrbar agreed and tossed the charges.

“ We’re exuberant,” Tina Bronaugh told* Scene* in the hallway after the
trial. “We’re just so happy for our DeAsia. Now we have to worry about

Destini, 19, goes on trial later this month.
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