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The folllowing letter was recently sent by Socialist Alternative to
Solidarity (the latter is the IS Tendency Group in Australia)

28 September 2010
Dear Comrades,

In your recent open letter to Socialist Alternative you state that "We have
been encouraged to hear that the leadership of Socialist Alternative now
envisages the possibility of fusing with Solidarity at some time in the
future." Does this indicate that you are interested in opening up
discussions between the leaderships of our respective organisations to
explore the possibilities of genuine unity?

The existence of two competing organisations that stand in the tradition of
international socialism weakens both our organisations and the socialist
left more generally in Australia. For this reason alone a serious
exploration of the possibility of forming a unified organisation makes

However, it is not simply a question of both Solidarity and Socialist
Alternative sharing a common political tradition. On the major political
issues of the last decade or more - opposition to Australia's imperialist
intervention in East Timor, opposition to the "war on terror", opposition to
Islamophobia, our analysis of the current economic crisis, our analysis of
the ALP as a bourgeois workers party, our analysis of the struggle for
Palestinian liberation, our analysis of Chavez in Venezuela and so on - we
have shared a broadly similar approach. This is reflected most recently in
our quite similar assessments of the outcome of the federal elections which
are in stark contrast to the political analysis put forward, for example, by
the likes of Green Left Weekly.

Significant differences between our two organisations have existed and
continue to exist over questions of perspectives and party building and
around a range of tactical and organisational issues. We are not for
sweeping these questions under the carpet as they are very important for
building a revolutionary organisation in Australia on a sound basis. But we
are for exploring through a process of discussion whether these differences
can be clarified and resolved or at least accommodated within the one

We don't believe that moves towards a genuine unity will be simple and
straight forward and we are definitely not for rushing the process. A unity
that is not soundly based and consequently quickly falls apart or descends
into factional warfare within a supposedly united organisation would be
utterly counterproductive. However these considerations should not hold us
back from making a serious attempt to explore the possibilities of a genuine

If you are interested in opening up discussions on the possibility of unity
we would suggest that as a first step a preliminary meeting be held between
representatives of the leaderships of both organisations some time within
the next few weeks at a time and place convenient for you.

Yours Comradely

Mick Armstrong
On behalf of the National Executive of Socialist Alternative

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