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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Michael Whitney <a...@firedoglake.com>
> Date: October 14, 2010 4:36:40 PM EDT
> To: Shane Mage <shm...@pipeline.com>
> Subject: Call for pot
> Reply-To: a...@firedoglake.com
> Prop 19 needs your help to pass. Can you pledge a few minutes of  
> your weekend to call young voters for Prop 19?
> Click here to pledge to call voters this weekend and help pass Prop  
> 19!
> Shane -
> There’s just 19 days left for Prop 19, and the drug warriors are  
> coming out in force to flood the airwaves with "Reefer Madness"  
> propaganda.
> You may not be able to vote in the California election. But you can  
> beat back the drug warriors’ anti-pot offensive and make sure young  
> Californians turn out to vote for Prop 19.
> We’re organizing a big event to call voters across California this  
> weekend. Can you pledge to call young voters for Prop 19 sometime  
> this weekend?
> Click here to pledge a few minutes of your weekend to call voters  
> for Prop 19.
> (Don’t have time to call this weekend? Please chip in $10 to our  
> campaign to pass Prop 19 instead.)
> California's Prop 19 could be the turning point for bringing an end  
> to marijuana prohibition, sending a chain reaction through states  
> across the country in 2012. But If Prop 19 fails in California,  
> it’ll be that much harder for every other state to legalize  
> marijuana in the future.
> We know for a fact that people between the ages of 18 and 29 are  
> overwhelmingly likely to support Prop 19, and that they're much more  
> likely vote if they know that real people like you are cheering them  
> on.
> Calling voters for Prop 19 is really fun, and super simple. Plus,  
> there’s some awesome prizes for people who make the most calls this  
> weekend!
> Can you pledge to take a few minutes out of your weekend to call  
> young voters for Prop 19? Click here to pledge to call this weekend.
> (Can’t call this weekend? Please donate $10 to our campaign to pass  
> Prop 19.)
> Want to know how bad the crazy is going to get in California?  
> Senator Dianne Feinstein is the co-chair of the No on 19 campaign,  
> and she's been having a media freak-out about pot brownies.  That's  
> right, pot brownies.
> The drug warriors are bringing out every trick in their “Reefer  
> Madness” handbook, and the only way to shut them up is to flood the  
> zone with new, young voters who the pollsters aren’t counting to vote.
> We need you to help pass Prop 19.  Please pledge to make a few phone  
> calls to California voters and let them know just how excited you  
> are about Prop 19, and that you're rooting for them to vote.
> Click here to pledge to call young voters in California this weekend  
> for Prop 19. It’ll just take a few minutes
> Thanks so much for your help to pass Prop 19 and legalize marijuana  
> in California.
> Onward,
> Michael Whitney
> JustSayNow.com
> Contribute to Just Say Now to support marijuana legalization. Click  
> here:
> This email was sent to:
> shm...@pipeline.com
> To unsubscribe, go to:
> http://action.firedoglake.com/unsubscribe

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