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Artesian says the "real issue" is whether Golinger proves NED or USAID gave 
money to CONAIE. I don't know what world you live in, but the real issue was 
that there was a US backed coup in Ecuador and we should expose it. Artesian 
couldn't care less about that. Does Artesian oppose the coup? I don't read that 
he does. The "real issue" for him, like the "Ecuador Solidarity Network" is to 
attack one of the people who has exposed US roles in Latin American coups. What 
is Golinger's track record so far? On Venezuela and Honduras, has she written a 
lot of BS, or is it accurate?
  Does Artesian reject the made-up stories about Golinger that narconews or 
ecuadorsolidaritynetwork present? No.
   Evidently you are on the same side of the fence as Greg McDonald and those 
coup-makers and the CIA in Ecuador. If not, then say so.
    Do you think the CIA is just going to write a check directly to some leader 
of CONAIE? Sometimes they are stupid and sometimes they are professional. In 
Cuba there are sometimes many transfers of money between the US government and 
its final destination, to the "dissidents." Maybe we should be attacking Cuba, 
not the US, because they uncover too many degrees of separation for our liking. 
   We can read the statement of the president of CONAIE on October 6 about the 
coup, where he was categorically opposed to Correa, and denied there was any 
coup attempt.  Is this the kind of statement someone would make who had 
been bought with US money? Yes. 
    USAID gave $38 million to groups in Ecuador this year alone. Golinger says 
because of the delay in finding out exactly where this went, we won't know for 
a few years. But in previous years, people connected with CONAIE got money.
    We should focus on the real issues: opposing the coup, exposing the US role 
in the coup. A minor issue would be criticising the stance the president of 
CONAIE has taken in support of the coup. Instead Artesian wants to divert 
attention from any of those issues to whether Golinger has enough 2010 
information about US funding to indigenous groups to prove her case. Well, we 
see where you stand.
    So what's next? Will you argue there's no real evidence to tie the FBI to 
the murders of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X?

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