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On 10/19/10 7:51 PM, glparramatta wrote:
> October 20, 2010 -- In the early hours of October 20, 2010, /Links
> International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ passed an historic milestone
> -- its 1,000,000th visitor (since statistics began being kept on April
> 4, 2008). The unknown visitor entered site at Renfrey Clarke's essential
> article, "The new climate-change denialism: Who promotes it, and how to
> answer it<http://links.org.au/node/1942>".
> Those 1 million visitors have collectively read more than 1.33 million
> articles since April 2008.

I just checked my own stats on Wordpress. 1,713,740 views since February 
2006. You can't find out how many are unique, though. In terms of blog 
ratings, I am ranked 1,433,990 by Alexa. For comparison's sake, Lenin's 
Tomb is 553,417.

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