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Oakland - Sun. Oct. 24, 11am
Marx, Marxists, and the November Election
Niebyl Proctor Marxist Library, 6501 Telegraph Ave., Oakland

At the epicenter of the worst economic crisis in 70 years, Californians have 
been given a choice by the two Titanic Parties: Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown. 
What Would Marx Do? Join us for a discussion of this important question. 
Speakers include the gubernatorial candidates of two independent parties, 
Carlos Alvarez (Peace & Freedom) and Laura Wells (Green). Hosted by Bob 
Patenaude and Gene Ruyle.

San Francisco - Tues. Oct. 26, 7pm
Why Is Racism on the Rise?
And How to Fight Back
San Francisco State University, Rosa Parks A-C

JOIN US for a forum and discussion on how to fight back with Carlos Alvarez, 
the Peace and Freedom Party candidate for California governor, and other 

The passage of Arizona’s racist SB 1070 law and the climate of escalating 
anti-Muslim bigotry are two examples of how racism in the United States is on 
the rise.

In the midst of an economic crisis, part of the ruling class wants to scapegoat 
immigrants for all the ills of society. Attacks on the Muslim community have 
been used to justify decades of bloody U.S. intervention in the Middle East.

For African Americans, inspite of the heroic gains of the Civil Rights 
Movement, racism and inequity persist. The unemployment rate for African 
Americans is double that of whites; incarceration rates, tied to never-ending 
police-harassment of Black and Latino youth, continue to skyrocket; Black 
students attempting to get a college education are facing rising tuition and 
racist admissions policies.

Sponsored by: Muslim Students Association, Black Student Union, ANSWER Coalition

Sacramento - Wed. Oct. 27, 6-8pm
Organizing and the Electoral Arena
Sac Activist School at Sol Collective (2574 21st St.), Sacramento

Join us for discussion with gubernatorial candidate Carlos Alvarez
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