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"I showed them that during the American Revolution drunkards, laggards, 
prostitutes, and pirates pioneered many of the freedoms and pleasures we 
now cherish 
-- including non-marital sex, interracial socializing, dancing, 
shopping, divorce, and the weekend -- and that the Founding Fathers, in 
the name of democracy, opposed them. I argued not only that many white 
Americans envied slaves but also that they did so for good reason, since 
slave culture offered many liberating alternatives to the highly 
repressive, work-obsessed, anti-sex culture of the early United States. 
I demonstrated that prostitutes, not feminists, won virtually all the 
freedoms that were denied to women but are now taken for granted. By 
tracing the path of immigrants from arrival as "primitives" to 
assimilation as "civilized" citizens, I explained that white people lost 
their rhythm by becoming good Americans. I presented evidence that 
without organized crime, we might not have jazz, Hollywood, Las Vegas, 
legal alcohol, birth control, or gay rights, since only gangsters were 
willing to support those projects when respectable America shunned them."


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