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On their "What We Stand For" page, the ISO claims that "The ISO stands in
the tradition of revolutionary socialists Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin and Leon
Trotsky.."  If support of the Green Party (a nationalist, pro-capitalist
party) is what you believe constitutes the revolutionary tradition of Marx,
Lenin, and Trotsky...so be it.  We might note that Peter Camejo joined the
SWP in 1960 right when it was degenerating--and recruiting the Carelton 12
to its leadership.

>From Pabloism to the Greens Peter Camejo dead at 68 By Fred Mazelis
16 September 2008


On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Dan Russell <proletarian...@gmail.com>wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> If you want to know where the ISO stands on the Democratic Party, please
> feel free to read anything we've ever written or an honest account of our
> work (such as that found in Peter Camejo's memoir), talk to activists who
> have actually worked with us, email me or talk to ANY ISO member. Zero
> support for the Democratic Party is one of our fundamental principles and
> I've never seen a bit of wavering on the question. This doesn't mean
> ultra-left sectarianism towards those who might still have illusions about
> the Democrats but it does mean concretely supporting the Green Party and
> Socialist Party as we have consistently done for years.
> http://www.isreview.org/issues/61/feat-pushdemsleft.shtml
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