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Surrender at Home, War Abroad


Published 1 November 2010



V40 Politics:
Monday 25 October, 7pm, Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Street, London, EC1R 3GA

Panel discussion with Tariq Ali, Mehdi Hasan, Patrick Cockburn and DD 
Guttenplan to discuss how much Obama's first two years in office will cost him 
at the most expensive elections in history.

Tickets are FREE, but booking is essential for this event. Call 020 7324 2570 
or email 
 to book your place. More information here 

Monday 8 November, doors open 8pm, Café Oto, 18-22 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL

Tickets cost £4 advance/£5 on the door. For more information and to buy 
tickets: http://www.cafeoto.co.uk/tariq-ali.shtm

Tuesday 9 November, Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ

Tickets cost £12.50/10 early booking (£8 concessions - students/seniors). For 
more information and to buy tickets: 


A merciless dissection of Obama's overseas escalation and domestic retreat.

"Our country has borne a special burden in global affairs. We have spilled 
American blood in many countries on multiple continents ... Our cause is just, 
our resolve unwavering. We will go forward with the confidence that right makes 
might." -Barack Obama, West Point, December 1, 2009

What has really changed since Bush left the White House? Very little, argues 
Tariq Ali, apart from the mood music. The hopes aroused during Obama's election 
campaign have rapidly receded-the honeymoon has been short. Following the 
financial crisis, the "reform" president bailed out Wall Street without getting 
anything in return. With Democratic Party leaders and representatives mired in 
the corrupt lobbying system, the plans for reforming the healthcare system lie 
wrecked on the Senate floor. Abroad, the "war on terror" continues: torture on 
a daily basis in the horror chamber that is Bagram, Iraq occupied indefinitely, 
Israel permanently appeased, and more troops to Afghanistan and more drone 
attacks in Pakistan than under Bush. The fact that Obama has proved incapable 
of shifting the political terrain even a few inches in a reformist direction 
will pave the way for a Republican surge and triumph in the not too distant 


TARIQ ALI is an internationally acclaimed writer and commentator. He has 
written more
than a dozen books on world history and politics. His Clash of the 
Fundamentalisms has sold over 80,000 copies, and he has also won awards and 
accolades for his fiction - the first book in the Islam Quintet, Shadows of the 
Pomegranate Tree has sold over 20,000 copies. Ali is also a celebrated 
filmmaker and has written scripts for the stage and screen; most recently he 
co-wrote and appeared in Oliver Stone's South of the Border. He is an Editor of 
New Left Review and lives in London.


ISBN: 978 1 84467 449 7/ £9.99 / 160 pages


For more information and to 


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