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Secret Iraq war files offer grim new details

By Greg Miller and Peter Finn
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, October 23, 2010; 12:33 AM

A massive cache of secret U.S. field reports from the Iraq war provides 
grim new details about the toll of that conflict, indicating that more 
than 100,000 Iraqis were killed during a six-year stretch and that 
American forces often failed to intervene as the U.S.-backed government 
brutalized detainees, according to news organizations given access to 
the documents by the WikiLeaks Web site.

The nearly 400,000 records are described as offering a chilling, 
pointillist view of the war's peak years, documenting thousands of 
civilian deaths - including hundreds killed at checkpoints manned by 
U.S. soldiers - and the burgeoning role that American contractors came 
to play in the conflict.

But the logs are perhaps most disturbing in their portrayal of the Iraqi 
government that has taken control of security in the country as U.S. 
forces withdraw.

The documents, including some dated as recently as 2009, report the 
deaths of at least six detainees in Iraqi custody because of abuse, and 
cite hundreds of other cases in which prisoners were subjected to 
electric shock, sodomized, burned, whipped or beaten by Iraqi 
authorities, according to an account in the Guardian, a British 
newspaper that was among several news organizations given advance access 
to the logs.

The others included the New York Times, the Qatar-based al-Jazeera 
satellite television network, Germany's Der Spiegel magazine, the French 
newspaper Le Monde and the Channel 4 news program in Britain. WikiLeaks, 
an anti-secrecy group that uses servers in several countries, published 
the records on its Web site (WikiLeaks.org) Friday evening.

There appear to be no major revelations in the latest logs. Much like 
those WikiLeaks released earlier this year on the war in Afghanistan, 
the Iraq documents are mainly low-level field reports that reflect a 
soldier's-eye view of the conflict but do not contain the most sensitive 
secrets held by U.S. forces or intelligence agencies.

The Pentagon condemned the release but did not question the authenticity 
of the files.

"We deplore WikiLeaks for inducing individuals to break the law, leak 
classified documents and then cavalierly share that secret information 
with the world, including our enemies," said Pentagon spokesman Geoff 
Morrell. He said the military would not comment on the information 
contained in the records but stressed that the "reports are initial, raw 
observations by tactical units. They are essentially snapshots of 
events, both tragic and mundane, and do not tell the whole story."

Even so, the spilling of so many once-secret files into public view 
allows for a fine-grained examination of the war. The 391,832 files 
included in the release cover a period from the beginning of 2004 to the 
end of 2009, and are more than quadruple the number of records that 
WikiLeaks published on the war in Afghanistan.

WikiLeaks has not disclosed the source of the materials. But suspicion 
has centered on Pfc. Bradley Manning, 22, an Army intelligence analyst 
whom the military arrested this year, charging him with the downloading 
and transfer of classified material.

Although narrow in nature, the records provide new insights into the 
toll of the conflict. According to al-Jazeera, the documents show that 
the U.S. military kept a tally of Iraqi casualties, even while insisting 
that such statistics were not maintained.

The files indicate that 285,000 casualties were recorded, including at 
least 109,032 violent deaths, although reports suggested some 
double-counting. Of those, 66,081 were civilians, 23,984 were "enemy," 
15,196 were members of the Iraqi security forces, and 3,771 were U.S. 
and allied service members.

The numbers correspond roughly to figures released by the Pentagon this 
year in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by 
the Associated Press. Iraq Body Count, a London-based organization that 
has tracked civilian casualties, said it had identified 15,000 
previously unrecorded deaths in the newly released files.

Beyond the broad outlines of the casualty counts, the records offer 
glimpses of the circumstances in often-heartbreaking detail.

The logs document the killing of as many as 681 civilians at checkpoints 
- "escalation of force incidents" in the military parlance - where 
troops fearing suicide bombers opened fire on often-confused drivers who 
did not know how to act when approaching soldiers, especially at night.

The Guardian reported that in September 2005, near Musayyib, south of 
Baghdad, two U.S. soldiers opened fire on a car when it continued to 
approach them after the driver ignored flashing lights and warning 
shots. A man and his wife were killed, and their 9- and 6-year-old 
children were wounded.

A month later, again at night, two children were killed in Baghdad when 
a female driver continued to approach a checkpoint after a single 
warning shot was fired.

The files also record the bloody toll of soldiers and civilians killed 
by insurgents' increasingly sophisticated use of roadside bombs: 31,780 
deaths were attributed to improvised explosive devices.

The logs record numerous and often horrifying instances of torture and 
abuse by Iraqi military and police forces, many of which U.S. troops 
chose to ignore because of orders to refer such matters to senior Iraqi 
officers, according to the Guardian's reading of the documents.

In one case, in August 2009, a U.S. military doctor found "bruises and 
burns as well as visible injuries to the head, arm, torso, legs and 
neck" on the body of a man that police said killed himself.

In another case, in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, coalition forces 
reported that three Iraqi officers poured acid on the hands of a man and 
cut off some of his fingers. Two years after the event no arrests had 
been made, according to one of the documents.

The logs do record attempts by U.S. and coalition forces to stop the 
abuse by conducting spot-checks on Iraqi facilities where they found 
prisoners "covered in injuries," the Guardian reported.

But U.S. soldiers often could do little more than demand that the 
torture stop. An order, issued in June 2004, instructed troops to make 
an initial report but not to investigate breaches of the laws of war 
"unless directed by HQ," according to documents cited by al-Jazeera and 
the Guardian.

The records do not represent the first time that abuses by Iraqi 
authorities have been disclosed. In November 2005, U.S. troops 
discovered a Ministry of Interior-run prison in which more than 150 
Sunni inmates were being held without charges. The prisoners were 
emaciated and several lifted up their shirts to show bloody whip marks 
where they had been beaten, according to U.S. officials who took 
photographs of the facility. News of the facility was leaked to U.S. and 
Iraqi newspapers, and U.S. commanders confronted then- Prime Minister 
Ibrahim al-Jafari about the facility. No punitive action was taken.

In 2007, Gen. David H. Petraeus, then the top commander in Iraq, put 
pressure on the Interior Ministry to replace virtually all of the 
battalion and brigade commanders in the Iraqi National Police, a force 
that had been repeatedly accused of killing and torturing Sunnis in Baghdad.

Revelations about rampant state-sanctioned torture could shape the 
political debate in Iraq amid protracted negotiations toward the 
formation of a government. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is attempting 
to hold on to his post but has failed to get a simple majority in 
parliament on his side.

The logs accuse Iran of providing extensive, lethal support to Shiite 
militias in Iraq as part of an effort to weaken the standing of Sunnis 
in government and engage in a proxy campaign against the United States. 
The New York Times cited documents indicating that Iran's Quds Force 
collaborated with Iraqi extremists to encourage the assassination of 
Iraqi officials.

But some of news reports treated the claims with skepticism. The 
Guardian noted that sources for some of the reports on Iran were 
described as "untested or of low reliability."

WikiLeaks was founded in 2006 by a former computer hacker, Julian 
Assange. In contrast to the release of the Afghan documents, WikiLeaks 
redacted names and locations in what members said was a step to ensure 
there was no chance of exposing Iraqi civilians to reprisal.

The organization has undergone stresses of late. Several members have 
left in recent months, citing differences with Assange and the direction 
of the group. Assange is facing allegations in Sweden of rape and sexual 
harassment, which he has denied, saying the charges are part of a 
U.S.-orchestrated smear campaign.

millerg...@washpost.com fi...@washpost.com

Correspondent Ernesto Londono in Baghdad and staff writers Ellen 
Nakashima and Greg Jaffe and staff researcher Julie Tate in Washington 
contributed to this report.

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